Looking for Black Ops clan

Having a mic is not an essential requirement of the clan but it may come in handy for any clan matches we are trying to arrange.​

We are a black ops clan that is always on the look out for new members. We currently have around 24 members from around the world of various skill levels. The clan is currently in the process of a restructure with squad managers, event managers and battle managers being apointed to move the clan forward. There is an age limit of 16 and above to join the clan. If your interested then take a look at the website and if you like what you see then feel free to join us.​

Well just like glyan said a mic is essential for gaming, but I have made exceptions to players who don't have a mic because I saw that they would make a great addition to the clan. So if your still interested in joining the clan feel free to visit the clan website www.eorc.forumotion.com and register, or send me an ally request at 3127-2252-9270
Well just like glyan said a mic is essential for gaming, but I have made exceptions to players who don't have a mic because I saw that they would make a great addition to the clan. So if your still interested in joining the clan feel free to visit the clan website www.eorc.forumotion.com and register, or send me an ally request at 3127-2252-9270

sorry to be picky bud, but if you read my post correctly it says that a mic is not a requirement of the clan but it would help for matches etc.....
sorry bro didn't mean to start a fight out of this. just wanted to let miki know that a mic is a clan requirement but i will accept non mic users if i see that they have what i want in order to join the clan. didnt mean to reference you on your whole phrase just on the part where you said that a mic is essential for clan battles, thats all i took from your phrase not anything else. Once again im sorry if i somehow offended you.
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Lol. No worries buddy. Just wanted to make sure it was known that we would accept members without a mic. My appologies also.
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Finland is 2011 icehockey world champion!!! After 16 years. Hell yeah!
hey congrats bro. not really a hockey fan. but congratulations on your team winning the championship.

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