Look out batman its another noob!

bowtie said:
is there anyway my metroid 3 is connected to the net?
You can't play online games using Metroid 3, but as long as you have a Wireless connection (or some form of connection to the Internet), then you can exchange friend vouchers with other players.
Computer Viruses on WII ....

D S said:
To answer your virus question. No, the Wii cna not attain a virus. Seeing as the Wii is not a PC, and is a console, it doesn't have an OS, and the virus would have nothing to infect or modify.

What a lot of Bull. Do you know what an OS is? Of course there's an OS - it's just not Windows ;-) But your premise is wrong - it doesn't take an "OS" to receive viruses, it takes malignant code. And you do admit that games running on the WII is computer code? As well as the console itself?

So the answer is, of course, yes - however the likelihood is fairly small since the updates you can put on the system is fairly controlled by Nintendo. However, imagine that a game company's internal systems gets compromised and they ship out viruses on the official CDs ... now THAT could happen - and has happen in the PC world. But again the likelihood compared to a Windows user who changes everything he likes is smaller.

Flash has little to do with viruses; however it's more complicated to make a flash player on a "weird" OS like that on the WII - and I guess that's why you don't find a flash-player there yet.

D S said:
batch viruses would be a no go, because their is no MS_DOS on the Wii. VB would be a no go, because the Wii has no VB evoirment. java would also be a no go, as the Wii has no java runtime envierment
basically, your safe :)

lol - sorry, I couldn't help myself. Do you really think that Viruses are Windows only? WII executes computer code. A computer virus is malignant computer code. Of course it can contract computer viruses. Anything connected to a computer network or allows you to install external software can. The question is how likely it is.

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