lol this made me laugh

LMAO. That's pretty funny. xD Here I'll media it for people who are lazy to click on the link. Lol.

That reminded me how much I miss Wave Race! I'm gonna look for it on eBay now.
WiiWouldLike2Play said:
Don't they have that on the VC Channel?
They have the Nintendo 64 one, but I want the Gamecube one, it's prettier.
The Gamecube wasn't bad, but I have to admit I got it on 2003, because at that time (2001) I lost interest in videogames. But it was a great console.
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Marioman said:
How was that

because their all hyped for the super awesome cube release! cube failed last gen, and they were like "OMG its so realistic! feels like your in teh game" lmao
It did fail, that doesn't mean it had bad graphics or anything like that. the reason why it failed was because there weren't enough games for it, but it still was great.
{Axtlár} said:
It did fail, that doesn't mean it had bad graphics or anything like that. the reason why it failed was because there weren't enough games for it, but it still was great.

Yea, i gotta hand it to the cube. It didn't do horrible
In fact i play mine all the time lol me and SSX3 (Favorite game EEEEEEEEEEVER!!)
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yeah i wouldnt say it failed exactly, i guess, but it deffinately didnt win. it's just an average console, even for it's time it wasnt that great to be that excited for,when it's compared with PS2/Xbox coming out.

but then again what do i know? i was still playing PS1 when the cube came out, i didnt get a PS2 until 4 years ago lol.

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