lol, I've seen about 3 or 4 Triforce symbols at my school

I go to a small school(150 students) and I thought for awhile I was the only anime/video game nerd. But I started talking to some different people and it turns out over half the school is planning on getting a wii lol
round me its all diverse, and only those stamped as nerds talk about gaming, and the rest dont. they even go out of thier way to point out they dont have a console.... but for those who do, they wear it proud. one guy here has a triforce tattoed on his right hand it looks like it was done with a sharpie, but doesnt links? :p
My school is just full of kids that lets say I'm just on a pretty different wavelength. They arent very many true gamers at my school, just really those who claim to be. A few hardcore gamers, but there all only into one genre and there ass's too. I mean out of 1200 kids in my grade, theres barely any gamers :incazzato:
Everyone around here used to be completely devoted to Sony until just after spring break last year... Then *BOOM*, a massive Nintendo shift.

And all the popular kids are the ones who play video games. Hell, the girls who make up the "popular gang" are almost all code monkeys.

I live in nerd heaven.
yeah, at my school all the nerd-type people play videogames out loud if you know what i mean. (with their 360 t-shirts and what not) but all the other kids play them too. i let a girl play my ds after a math test and she didn't want to give it back!

P.S. i'm on the football team and i dont understand that whole jock thing? 80% of the team play their gameboys and psps on the bus for road games.:)
did it look like this:



Let's just say the triforce is one famous triangle


Sierpinski triangle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So you're saying its just a fractal pattern. Order and chaos merged together. I see that all the time in nature.

There's not one Zelda fanboy at my school when I was there. Most of them do play videogames but to them Nintendo is like - just DS. So nothing to talk about there.

It'd be cool to see a triforce symbol on one of the tables at uni.
nametilf said:
round me its all diverse, and only those stamped as nerds talk about gaming, and the rest dont. they even go out of thier way to point out they dont have a console.... but for those who do, they wear it proud. one guy here has a triforce tattoed on his right hand it looks like it was done with a sharpie, but doesnt links? :p

OMG. He is so gonna hate that in the future. On his hand?

I know a guy who got the Ninja Turtles tattooed on his arm when they were still an edgy/gorey underground comic. Then they released the cartoon version - which is the version everyone knows well. So this dudes got the turtles on his arm for life. (off topic I know but I find it funny)
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My Advanced Higher computing class has 5 people in it and we are always talking about the Wii and so on. My computing teacher joins in, he uses the projector in the class to show us Wii videos and reviews.
Cabe said:
My Advanced Higher computing class has 5 people in it and we are always talking about the Wii and so on. My computing teacher joins in, he uses the projector in the class to show us Wii videos and reviews.
cool .....wish my ICT teacha was like that
I bought this sWiit hat from Hot Topic with the new golden triforce symbol on the front, and the Nintendo sign on the side. I still have yet to see anyone else with one. This one idiot asked me if it was Wu-Tang. LOL!

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