My introduction.


Old School.
Dec 30, 2006
Wii Online Code
Hi everyone,

Just thought I'd drop in and leave my first post. I actually just discovered this forum by accident this morning and it's great to be here. On to the introduction!

I'm 32 years old and have been playing videogames since I was 6 or 7. My first system ever was a Pong console, and my fate was pretty much sealed by that point. I discovered Nintendo when I slept over at a friend's house when I was 13. I'd been into computer games (Commodore 64) but the moment I picked up and played Super Mario Bros. and Kung Fu, I knew I had to have my own NES. I've owned every Nintendo system since (except Virtual Boy) and probably will remain a fan until Nintendo (or myself) ceases to exist.

Fast forward to tonight. I picked up a Wii a couple of days ago and I'm very happy with it. Still haven't unwrapped Zelda or Trauma Center though as I can't stop playing Metal Slug Anthology and the Virtual Console long enough to bother! I love all kinds of games, but have a soft spot for old school shooters and RPGs. I can't wait to see what this next generation brings as far as Wii and VC games go. (I'm crossing my fingers for Earthbound and Axelay!)

Again, nice to meet you all and I hope I see you in the forums!
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haha, I sure did... I wasn't that good at it, but I spent more than a few hours of my life copying BASIC from the latest computer magazines and trying to make my own little games. Oh, then I saved them on cassette tapes! Man, I'm old...
I did once
hours spent typing
Then error
Hey yeah , my cousin had a Vic20 , then a Commodore64 & I had an Atari400 , then 800xl .We would spend whole Saturdays copying games programs out of magazines .
Cassette , if people hate load times now ! One game "Zaxxon" I swear it took 20+minutes to load from cassette.Could even have been longer , it was so long ago .
undeadair said:
Hi everyone,

Just thought I'd drop in and leave my first post. I actually just discovered this forum by accident this morning and it's great to be here. On to the introduction!

I'm 32 years old and have been playing videogames since I was 6 or 7. My first system ever was a Pong console, and my fate was pretty much sealed by that point. I discovered Nintendo when I slept over at a friend's house when I was 13. I'd been into computer games (Commodore 64) but the moment I picked up and played Super Mario Bros. and Kung Fu, I knew I had to have my own NES. I've owned every Nintendo system since (except Virtual Boy) and probably will remain a fan until Nintendo (or myself) ceases to exist.

Fast forward to tonight. I picked up a Wii a couple of days ago and I'm very happy with it. Still haven't unwrapped Zelda or Trauma Center though as I can't stop playing Metal Slug Anthology and the Virtual Console long enough to bother! I love all kinds of games, but have a soft spot for old school shooters and RPGs. I can't wait to see what this next generation brings as far as Wii and VC games go. (I'm crossing my fingers for Earthbound and Axelay!)

Again, nice to meet you all and I hope I see you in the forums!

hi you should like it here everyone is friendly.
zeldas a great game too.
Nuke RedL said:
Hey yeah , my cousin had a Vic20 , then a Commodore64 & I had an Atari400 , then 800xl .

Still got them some ware in my cupboard of ages

Nuke redl said:
if people hate load times now ! One game "Zaxxon" I swear it took 20+minutes to load from cassette.Could even have been longer , it was so long ago .
A fave of mine
But for bad loading xmen vs street fighter (psx)5 mins loading select character another 5 mins loading 60 sec match loading again
The turn off psx
Play the Jap Saturn version

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