Little known Wii features in Photo Channel


Dec 7, 2006
here's a thread to help people out with the little known wii features in the photo channel.

Q: the wii will play videos, but what format and such?

A: use the converter found at and you'll be able to convert video for the wii easily

Q: I know the wii plays mp3, but how do i do it without buying excite truck?

A: this took me a while [the little cat told me]. but, what you do, is open a slide show, and press (A), and you'll get a menu that includes "Change Settings". Click it, and you'll see at the bottom it'll say "Music". when you click change song, you'll see your music listed, which you can listen to. [choose the "all mp3 option" if you want it to cycle through all your mp3s]

Q: The puzzle pieces are too small in number! i want more!!

A: go to the puzzle menu, where your about to choose your pieces. hold the (1) key, and you'll get the option for a 192 piece puzzle :yikes:

Other things that are cool about the wii:

You can play videos backward! - if you watch a video all the way through, you'll get the choice to play the video backward. the videos also sound different if you select different moods.

You can fast foward and rewind with movies! just press the (1) and (2) buttons for the features

Hope this helps anyone who just got the wii and doesnt want to bother looking everywhere for some of these features.
Cool, thanks for that. I love how nintendo add these little secrets in.
also when your in doodle mode,
if you press 1 while on the scissors, it changes the shape cut out to a square

and there was soemthing else that involved pushing the 1 button but cant remember it off hand.
Avais100 said:
can thewii read mp4's?

No, only .mp3's. I tried putting iTunes music on my SD card, but it wouldn't work on the Wii. So I tried .wma's and they didn't work on the Wii either. Finally I found a program that converts my music to .mp3's and it worked on the Wii and my Chocolate cell phone. :cornut:

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