Links Running Animation

White-Wolf said:
lol. that just means they dident have the time to make the animation they way they wanted to, and thus it means tp should be delayed. :lol:

From the time they put the character model of Link on screen and gave him fluid movement, his run should of been more realistic looking from the get go. All that would be needed REALLY to improve it somewhat, would be to lean him forward abit more... ABIT MORE?! they haven't even started, his backs near straight if not STRAIGHT.
Indeed, I agree with it all. I'm not worried about his movement, just annoyed. I really would preffer it to be changed, but It'll just be a little annoyance nagging me at the back of my mind if it's not. And it doesn't exactly freeze when you hit the enemy, it just becomes very slow for less than a second, to give the feel of actually impacting an enemy with a sword. ^.^ Ither way, the game's gonna kick ass! xD
It's probably got something to do with the Wii-mote. Such as when link runs, his arms might be constantly "tuning in" to the wii-mote, no matter what he's doing. Since the player is standing there not moving his own arms about, Link doesn't either.

If this is the case, they've probably worked on it since then, as these video's were seemingly from E3, and many improvements have been made as of that time.
the game doesn’t have a direct feed from the wii mote to the game like your thinking. Swinging the controller is just like pushing the b or a button. It’s a trigger. Redsteel is different, but i don’t think not moving the controler drags the animation down.

I don’t know who here has actually done animation or knows anything about making video games, or programs, but things are typically not done right the first time. It takes much work and many incarnations to make what you see when you buy the game. They went to e3 with what they had, and that’s what they had. Its better then no animation, i say.

I’m alittle strange though, i really only hammer down on bad art or animation when i think i can do better myself.

I looked at a few more videos, and he does seem to run different in both. If you look at when he is running from the spider, his arms move alot more then some of the other times when he moves, this leads me to believe that alot of the animations we are blasting are not his top speed. I did hear that he would move slower the more stuff he has equiped. It might have been in the German article or the faq.
White-Wolf said:
I did hear that he would move slower the more stuff he has equiped. It might have been in the German article or the faq.

True, I did read that somewhere, I think it was in this forum.
I think that would be a good addition to realism for the game, and when I initially read that I thought of a few scenarios that would make game play seem more interesting.

For instance, your in a dungeon and have quite a few items about your person, you have to open a door by pulling a lever that is somewhere within the vicinity. The lever is on a wall behind a either of these, or both could be used in different dungeons:
1) A pressure plate that activates a trap when too much weight is applied to its surface.
2) A wall of flames spouting from holes in the wall, that is in a set in a timed pattern.

The solution and reason for both traps would be:
1) The pressure plate would stay level aslong as Link removes the more heavier of his equipment/items, placing them on the floor till he returns across the plate.
2) Link would be able to run across the flames path quick enough with less baggage weighing him down, when the flames have died away. Once again placing equipment/items on the floor till he returns that way.
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I did hear that he would move slower the more stuff he has equiped. It might have been in the German article or the faq.

This is a terrible idea. All previous incarnations of Zelda, Link has been able to carry every weapon and every piece of clothing, without it ever affecting him.

In any case, how much he ways is no excuse for him not running properly. I agree with what Kumoriken said, I'm not worried about it overall, just slightly bothered by it. Lets hope you guys are right, and they've fixed it since E3. I doubt it, but we can hope anyway.
modern game design + modern technology should = great animation

all versions of zelda have been ground-breaking, so i suppose people are slighty worried about a chink in link's new armour?
i would think that nintendo are reluctant to show the latest footage of zelda, i would imagine the game has gone through some re-builds since e3
Flip said:
This is a terrible idea. All previous incarnations of Zelda, Link has been able to carry every weapon and every piece of clothing, without it ever affecting him.

In any case, how much he ways is no excuse for him not running properly. I agree with what Kumoriken said, I'm not worried about it overall, just slightly bothered by it. Lets hope you guys are right, and they've fixed it since E3. I doubt it, but we can hope anyway.

True it hasn't been there before but times are changing :wtf: you dont wake up every morning expecting to see the SAME bird perched on the branch outside your window, just because it was there for the most of last week (figure of speech by the way, I myself dont have a branch outside my window).
Games are becoming more realistic, i.e. in GTA: SA you can eat food to replenish health (however while playing through the whole game I hardly did so, nor did I collect hearts :shocked: just never seemed to need health :O got refilled after successfully completed missions if I remember correctly).
In the Prince of Persia series you drink water to replenish health, giving it more realism in the sense of not going around collecting sphere orbs for health, which you wouldnt actually do in real life.

That said, whats wrong in having it so that the amount of equipment/items you currently have about your person affects your movement speed?
Obviously each to his own, but I personally would prefer a game that takes theses factors into consideration and uses them to create new and more complexing traps throughout dungeons and/or sidequest areas.
Think about it, without dramatic changes like that the traps and puzzles would/will be near enough recycled from older titles, or if there are any new/newish looking ones it doesnt take long to figure them out. I'm aware some people have complained at the easiness of some of the older titles dungeons, and with the coming of each new title have wished for more challenging trials. Hence Master Quest being released I assume.

Although players would soon become accustomed to pressure plates and the like which I mentioned in my last post, it would still be something new to the series. There are alot more things that could be done with the concept of additional weight about Links person, i.e. having to determine how much speed and flexibility you will need to face your next boss, meaning you shed unecessary weight before facing it, or WHILE facing it, you place your things to one side till the end of the battle.
That alone requests more thought be put into your method of play, and thus could offer more personal challenges to accommodate each players preference. Some people give them selves handicaps in such games, and adding MORE weight to yourself by your own judgement would have people posting there amazing feats, i.e. "I beat the forest temple's boss with iron boots, etc etc etc weighing me down".

People really should be more open-minded and embracing for future ideas then stubbornly hanging onto past approaches, namely those who would prefer mere button pressing (those getting the game on GC), when they could take part in the 1st steps towards home virtual entertainment. May only be small NOW, mere wrist/arm movements, which ever you prefer, but its still more then just lazily sitting there button pressing/mashing. As I said before on the same matter, I immediately get the image of a couch potato who would prefer to keep the majority of his/her attention on how to get the next crisp/potato chip to gather as much dip as possible on the next dunk.
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KaDee said:
True it hasn't been there before but times are changing :wtf: you dont wake up every morning expecting to see the SAME bird perched on the branch outside your window, just because it was there for the most of last week (figure of speech by the way, I myself dont have a branch outside my window).
Games are becoming more realistic, i.e. in GTA: SA you can eat food to replenish health (however while playing through the whole game I hardly did so, nor did I collect hearts :shocked: just never seemed to need health :O got refilled after successfully completed missions if I remember correctly).
In the Prince of Persia series you drink water to replenish health, giving it more realism in the sense of not going around collecting sphere orbs for health, which you wouldnt actually do in real life.

That said, whats wrong in having it so that the amount of equipment/items you currently have about your person affects your movement speed?
Obviously each to his own, but I personally would prefer a game that takes theses factors into consideration and uses them to create new and more complexing traps throughout dungeons and/or sidequest areas.
Think about it, without dramatic changes like that the traps and puzzles would/will be near enough recycled from older titles, or if there are any new/newish looking ones it doesnt take long to figure them out. I'm aware some people have complained at the easiness of some of the older titles dungeons, and with the coming of each new title have wished for more challenging trials. Hence Master Quest being released I assume.

Although players would soon become accustomed to pressure plates and the like which I mentioned in my last post, it would still be something new to the series. There are alot more things that could be done with the concept of additional weight about Links person, i.e. having to determine how much speed and flexibility you will need to face your next boss, meaning you shed unecessary weight before facing it, or WHILE facing it, you place your things to one side till the end of the battle.
That alone requests more thought be put into your method of play, and thus could offer more personal challenges to accommodate each players preference. Some people give them selves handicaps in such games, and adding MORE weight to yourself by your own judgement would have people posting there amazing feats, i.e. "I beat the forest temple's boss with iron boots, etc etc etc weighing me down".

People really should be more open-minded and embracing for future ideas then stubbornly hanging onto past approaches, namely those who would prefer mere button pressing (those getting the game on GC), when they could take part in the 1st steps towards home virtual entertainment. May only be small NOW, mere wrist/arm movements, which ever you prefer, but its still more then just lazily sitting there button pressing/mashing. As I said before on the same matter, I immediately get the image of a couch potato who would prefer to keep the majority of his/her attention on how to get the next crisp/potato chip to gather as much dip as possible on the next dunk.

I agree that things change, and that it is a good thing to make games more difficult, and thus more rewarding when you complete them. But why change something that works, for something that will be nothing more than annoying? Imagine with the weight of your gear, you have to fight a boss, if you fail, you have to restart and take off some weight, if you fail again, you have to take off more weight. I am not a fan of replaying the same boss fight over and over again in that way. Nor am I a fan of having to remove gear, and then remember to pick it up afterwards.

If they were going to allow you to take off gear, or drop items, I assume you would only be able to do it in towns at a safe room, like maybe a bank or a chest in your home / farm. In that way, going back and forth to pick up / drop your items will be VERY annoying. Aswell, what happens when you drop some gear on a pressure plate, and it turns out you need something that you dropped. So you have to go back and try to replace it with something of equal weight. And what happens at the end, if it doesnt automatically give you your gear back ? You would have to go back through the entire dungeon trying to remember where you left your gear.

Like I said, this is a terrible idea for gameplay mechanics, and I for one hope they do not go anywhere near this idea. Making dungeons and boss fights harder is one thing, but completely ruining the game is not the way to go about it.
well i think that when they were talking about iteams and incumberance i think they are talking about what he is holding in his hands. Link seems to move a tad faster, and moves his arms more when his shield and sword are stowed. When he runs with his sword and shield out, the weapons seems to pull on him and thus his arms drag and are less active.
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Flip said:
If they were going to allow you to take off gear, or drop items, I assume you would only be able to do it in towns at a safe room, like maybe a bank or a chest in your home / farm. In that way, going back and forth to pick up / drop your items will be VERY annoying. Aswell, what happens when you drop some gear on a pressure plate, and it turns out you need something that you dropped. So you have to go back and try to replace it with something of equal weight. And what happens at the end, if it doesnt automatically give you your gear back ? You would have to go back through the entire dungeon trying to remember where you left your gear

I've thought about your point to do with safe rooms and such before hand. Those too could be added, but I'm refering to placing your equipment down at points where you HAVE to pass them on your way back anyway so you cant miss them, i.e. as I said you have to go to a dead end where a lever is, but a pressure plate is blocking your way. On your way back across you would/should see your equipment and remember to pick it up. I didnt say you drop your GEAR on a pressure plate, I was refering to your own weight needing to be in check, meaning you have to remove items BEFORE stepping on one.

About the boss fights, because you would be able to drop your gear IN the room, you wouldnt have to refight the boss as such. As long as you grasp the fact that your too slow to evade attacks you immediately run to the side and shed unnecessary weight. Then at the end of the boss battle, if they bring back the circles of light that warp you to the outside of the dungeon, your dropped equipment could be regained automatically when you step into the light. Thus saving you a return trip for lost equipment.

Fighting bosses repeatedly isn't my idea of gaming fun either, but if you beat the boss 1st time with ease then you would complain about the level of difficulty. To change the difficulty they tend to either minimise the amount of damage the you inflict on the boss, or increase the amount of damage it inflicts on you. Adding in speed of movement, besides your own reflexes as the player, would add a newer style of difficulty, which as I said could be adjusted to how YOU want to be challenged. Mere reflexes of your own hands/fingers/thumbs is usually what determines the battle in such games, but how about bringing in the reflexes of the character your PLAYING.

I would prefer a more 'free-form' game, like Prince of Persia: Warrior Withins fighting system. The combos weren't all preset in a specific linear pattern, so you could link parts of combos to others to an extent (we know 'free-form' can only go so far, the fact remains the game is doing what it was programmed to do, so theres still restrictions and boundaries). So with the weight system you can, as I once again say, adjust to YOUR liking and style of play and personal challenge.
If you like quick movement for battle then carry light weapons (using the Bow, like Legalus from Lord of the Rings, picking off enemies from the outside) to dance circles round your opponents, toying with them and wearing them down, like an Out-Boxer in the ring, stepping in only when ready to land a hit.
If heavy crushing blows are more your approach then of course, carry heavy set weapons (like the Megaton Hammer, IF returning) that upon swining would inflict critical damage to the enemy, this would be an In-Boxer, dominating a head to head bout.

Either way you dont like the idea so be contented it more then likely wont be in the game. As I said im just introducing my ideas to the forum as I have done so for other up-coming titles in the past. :smilewinkgrin:
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I can kind of see what you're saying, but to me, it just doesn't seem like the best thing to do. It overly complicates things unnecessarily. I'd rather a good old-fashioned Zelda game, that sticks to its roots and doesn't try to be anything other than what it is.

But I'm sure they would / could have considered your idea already. Whether or not they will incorporate something like that is entirely up to them. I accept that they know what they are doing, and that the general public doesn't know what it wants, but it knows what it doesn't want.
Mrjingles_23 said:
No way will they incorporate that 'item drop/pick-up' isn't Zelda style. No, Link probably just doesn't move as quick...we'll see, won't we?;)

Lol how narrow minded. YES it isn't Zelda style to-date, and neither was WW. Were not alot of people disgruntled with the sudden change in graphics style. I know that my idea would barely be REALLY thought upon by the production team and incorporated, but AS I said, I was merely trying to introduce FRESH ideas. Anyone feeling to add such ideas, WITHOUT people saying, "that would never work, its not "Zelda style", then by all means let me know YOUR ideas or imaginative thoughts for the game.

You forget that before Link donned a mask and was able to transform into its likeness, THAT wasn't part of the "Zelda style".
Before he mounted a horse, THAT wasn't part of the "Zelda style".
Before he had a fairy following/leading him about, hinting or giving clues, THAT wasn't part of the "Zelda style".
So before you speak again about ANY up-coming game using the words, "Not part of the style", remember what games were like before each new title had FRESH/NEW ideas incorporated!

There was a guy like you in the DBZ: BT forums, that was disliked by many of its members. One of the reasons I disliked him is for the way he would intervene in my threads with "imaginative" people like myself and talk about how this and that would never be in the final build and such forth, basically making use of the term, "Don't mean to burst your bubble". As I said I'm not saying it will be there in the end but for now, as a way to keep minds occupied while in the forum, people could share their ideas for what they would like to see in either this or a future title.