Link's Crossbow Trianing (New Game!)


Locke likes oranges
Mar 18, 2007
Ohio, Cincinnatti
Wii Online Code
Look's like a wii-zapper give away with a minigame of the Legend of Zelda: on...

IGN said:
A free minigame included with the Wii Zapper, Link's Crossbow Training drops players into a world in the style of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Players assume the identity of hero Link, who progresses through a series of tests to perfect his crossbow marksmanship. Start with stationary bull's-eyes and graduate to moving targets before defending Link against all kinds of enemies.

Here's the source
I don't know sounds cool but I'd like to see some videos first.
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opitekk said:
im sure there is already a post for this BUT!!! im excited!
Unless you can show me a link I'm sureyour wrong but I am excited too I guess
i bet it wont be an in depth game though, just to get you used to the wii zapper, and boost sales

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