Links Crossbow Training


WiiChat Member
Jan 9, 2008
Have managed to work out the gols discs and scarecrow thing but that doesn't work the same on all the levels. Does anyone know of any other things that I am missing i.e on levels 7.3.....8.3....... & finale.3
would appreciate any help
What exactly are you trying to figure out?

Best way I get points is to just hit things consecutively. For example, if you're trying to aim for a pot and/or the gold disc and miss, you'll have to start over. So if the targets you were shooting went up to 30 X would be missing out on 30 X 13...which is a lot of points.

And for the last level, all you have to do is shoot the reddish orange spots on his feet, and then the back of his head.
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What sort of scores are you getting on the various levels ?
im not getting this game but the main idea of the game just seems like it would suck? is it actually good or is it as suckish as i think it probably is.
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Think I've worked most of it out now on most of the levels (level 3 is my best at :331,000) looking for another target game now if anyone has any ideas.

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