Lets Get Drunk

In a house, when chillin etc: Sol or Miller. Bottled of course.
In a club: Jack D and coke.
In a pub: whatevers good. Usually just a pint.
Probably the same thing! It's so sweet though, it makes your head spin.

And they go down like water, then all of a sudden it hits you, amirite!?

Oh man.. another late tonight, then a 4-10 on Monday. I reckon I'm going to get me a bottle of Southern Cofmort on my day off.


And more interestingly. JD n Coke or ust straight JD.
I usually just buy some cheap beer or rum.

But my favorite beer would definitely be Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat by far.

As for favorite liquor any kind of spiced rum will do. I usually drink it mixed with coke but I like it straight too.
Oh yeah, tequila needs a mention. Slammers of course. The tequila bar in town is boss, must be like 50 different flavours of tequila, most of them minging. You can't beat regular though. And at £1 a shot, it's always a good place to start the night...go in, 3 or 4 of them down you, go out 10 minutes later...sorted.
I've tried many different alcoholic beverages, and I've ended up hating them all. I feel sick even from just smelling them. Lets not go there..
I've tried many different alcoholic beverages, and I've ended up hating them all. I feel sick even from just smelling them. Lets not go there..

Exactly the same.
I really can't wait until Friday now.

Haven't had a quadvod in ages since they got banned, but they're allowed to do them again now and I'm desperate for one. Or three.

Also, a nice wine is good.

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