Let me make you a signature!

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nkbswe5 said:
Thank you for mine ;) Should have had some rabbids *shifty eyes* But I love it so Watch me attach it! Oh wait, my first post has it already. WOOSH!

but thats the biggest, and darkest rabbid of them ALL!


Glad you like the siggy ;)
Thanks again for taking the time out of you day to do this for us. I am sure I speak for everyone here when I say thank you for your sigs.

Did you get my PM last night? If so how's mine coming along?

Thanks again.
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JeritenX let me just say thank you VERY much for being nice enough to make sigs for people, thank you.
I too btw would like a sig if you don't mind, please and thanks.
i'll pm you the details shortly.
Can you please make me a sig?
You might not accept because I will only use it if it is better than Equis' :)

and these because I might use these :)
Sigs 2
Sigs 3
Sigs 4I am only doing this because I do not want to waste your time in making me a sig if I am not going to use.
And if you can, I would really appreciate it :)
Someone hook me up please? I dont care who makes it. Just gonna have Samus in it. With suit and i want it to say "Bulldog "
Yo here it is:

Lol, its traced, but its from a tutorial so i guess you can use it :) ??
uhhh, the pm wont work so can i have a sig that has the wii and gamecube and can it say The Very Best then have it say wiidogg in the corner....
JeritenX said:
I dunno man, thats a pretty sweet siggy!

I love the Wiired signatures, he does awesome work!

But I'll work you one out, just for the heck of it.

Well thanks :)

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