It’s been quite a few weeks since we heard anything about the forthcoming LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars game, which is due out on Wii sometime this year (yes, we know that’s a bit vague, but that’s all Activision’s saying for now!), but they’re clearly still working away on it as Activision has just released this fun video about the voice over recording sessions. I really liked seeing Matt Lanter, who’s usually quite broody in 90210 every week, being all goofy for once!
Click here to view the embedded video.
The game features the world of Star Wars: The Clone Wars for the first time ever in the LEGO universe, giving players the chance to take control of battalions of clone troopers against the relentless droid army – building bases, deploying vehicles and calling in reinforcements to defeat opponents. One of the game’s new features will enable players to take command multiple teams in separate locations and control them with a single button press, both in single-player and multiplayer co-op modes. Also for the first time in the series, players will get the chance to fight against massive bosses as seen in The Clone Wars animated series, including Gor, the epic Zillo Beast and many more.
It’s all sounding and looking so good, let’s hope that vague 2011 release date means sooner rather than later!