Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Gallery

That was a joke before u think I know how to write in japanese like in that one picture, although I will be learning in 1 or 2 months:p.

U know wut I just noticed, link still has his earing in wolf mode.
I heard that. He could be tingle and he'd still have an earing, buff out his bod and put on a purple feather hat and a cane and he be just as cool as the next...ugly tingle guy.(Tingle says he's a fairy but I don't believe that for 1 dam minute.
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re-deads? probably. but in one of the vids i saw a skulltulla wrapped link up (like the pic ^) and was "humping" him
i think this screenshot is of how link get's the gale boomerang


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*spoilers* yeah, you get the boomerang from an evil ape in the dungeon. although, throughout the dungeon good apes help you get around. the chief ape is the evil one and is standing on that poll.
I noticed that, good job. Btw the way I don't mind spoilers so give me wut u got:cool: