Left handed peeps

I have a pic of the Left hand and right hand chooser for Wii sports in my sig

Well, my wife bought for me the newest(?) version of WiiFit Plus... It's a great game; for her and my son as least... :/

Yes... I'm left handed... And had a stroke 5 years ago and can't use the Wii remote in my right hand.. And it's a disadvantage because IT DOESN'T ALLOW ME SWAP HANDS like WiiSports does...

Now half of you probably are going to blow this off (he's going to die anyway), but I would like to use the darn thing so I can make it to 60!!!

Can somebody let Nintendo know that disabled people would like to have some fun before they die!!!??? :wiifit: :mad5: :frown2:
I'm going to throw my two pence in just for a laugh.

I'm a lefty but I actually prefer to hold the nunchuck in my left hand. I find manipulating a joystick with my thumb is a lot more difficult than pointing a remote at the screen so my stronger hand goes on the nunchuck. However I do swap hands if I just need the remote. I actually thought the same about the N64 controller, why do the buttons require your right hand and the joystick in the left? I always had the advantage MWAHAHAHAHA

Saying that I also eat right handed else I'd end up forking myself in the face. Maybe I'm just a freak!

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