LAN adapter problems


WiiChat Member
Aug 24, 2007
I purchased the LAN adapter for Datel (it's not the official Nintendo one, maybe that's my mistake):

Anyway, I have it hooked up directly to my DSL modem, and no matter what I do, I can't get it work. I tried inputting the DNS and ISP numbers manually... several times, but no luck.

I've read that the box maybe actually include a patch cable when you need a crossover cable... can anyone verify this?

Anyone ever get this adapter to work, or should I just order the official one online from Nintendo?
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just get the one from nintendo guartneed to work plus wehn I hook up my dsl modem straight to wii but never worked just get the on from Nintendo
I think the Datel one is mostly designed to work with routers rather than modems. You might be able to plug the ethernet cable into the back of your computer and set stuff like firewall rules. Although I don't know for sure.

I recieved my LAN adaptor yesterday. I plugged it into my router and it goes like a dream. Virtually no set up either. Just did wired option and it connected.

Also went slightly faster than my old USB dongle, which ended up burning out.

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