L33T Puzzle'd

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{Axtlár} said:
Ok here's one:



It involves sheep >.<
no..the 8 is not "h" well I got an appointment, but will be back in an hour...I guess just keep making more but suconsciously keep figuring out mine and post the result...
ill give it a shot i guess


they is arforcugutemocis beepin side the pyry mib

i give up
Lol!!!! the closest word you got is: "they" but the last letter in that word is wrong....Cap'n I thought you were an expert in these things..you haven't been able to decipher mine?

edit: aww come on! everyone gave up? here's a hint: the 8 is not an h but a "D".
and this one might have been a mistake, sorry: the first "!" is an "L" first just decipher it, like for each number write the letter down, and then separate the letters as you are making sense outta it, so it's not hard.
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Then l tarforcnutemocis deep in ide the pyramid

its gotta be somethin like that
The nltar for cnutemoc is deep inide the pyramid

I fixed the spacing, now for the second word N is wrong, fourth word missing a letter right after first "C" and first N is wrong, for seventh word, you are missing a letter between N and second I...and that's it, if you correct it correctly you got it
the altar for cuautemoc is deep inside the pyramid

heres mine ....if im right that is

!mMt 5o !8aP4t !am 5o Gr8 ..w3II ! 12bnew4y
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