Kirby or Ice Climber?
ok well i just bought 1000 points, and i just spent 500 on kid icarus... well i was born in 92, but i have a feeling i know which games are worth getting, right now im leaning towards kirby, but i would like to know your expierences with the games and/or which game is better. it'd be sweet if someone has played both and knows which one is better... im thinking that i might wait till mondays realease, and if they realease a sweet nes game ill get it..
well anyways, post your thoughts. 
ok well i just bought 1000 points, and i just spent 500 on kid icarus... well i was born in 92, but i have a feeling i know which games are worth getting, right now im leaning towards kirby, but i would like to know your expierences with the games and/or which game is better. it'd be sweet if someone has played both and knows which one is better... im thinking that i might wait till mondays realease, and if they realease a sweet nes game ill get it..
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