If you want to play a Metroid game you should get Super Metroid. It's the best of the 2D Metroid games. Also, the first Metroid has been remade into the Zero Mission version you can get for about $10 at Gamestop. I'd recommend getting that. After you beat it you actually unlock the original Metroid anyway.
I actually enjoy the first Zelda more than any of the other ones.
The NES Kirby and Gameboy Kirby games are the only ones I ever played. The NES Kirby is better than the Gameboy one. It's a whole lot of fun.
Out of the three I'd say Zelda would be the one I'd download if I had to choose.
have you played Metroid yet? have you played Zelda yet? have you played Kirby yet?
and let's see....the Zelda game can be obtained in the Zelda special collector's edition game for Gamecube, and also as a Game Boy Advance game, Metroid can be unlocked in the Game Boy Advance game of Metroid Zero Mission..and Kirby...I guess I would have to say Kirby if you have not played any of those for the reasons stated above. But if you're a fan of Zelda or Metroid more than of Kirby and you have played the games and have them already then go ahead and pick Zelda, I prefer it more than Metroid.