Kill the person above you thread

Tails McCloud~ said:
You are killed by your anime addiction when you realize you could be doing something better right now.
Couldn't we all be doing something better right now? :lol:

You choke to death the moment you typed that.
I guess thats true, lol
you die from lack of head
you die because you talked to robertking. . .

what a noob.
Yes, he is quite a F4G...
you die for the same reason
your toe swells and ends up being a 4 stone growth that gets infected.

the infection turns nasty.

you end up being obese.

you have a heart attack.
Cpt.McCloud said:
your toe swells and ends up being a 4 stone growth that gets infected.

the infection turns nasty.

you end up being obese.

you have a heart attack.

I make everyone lol so much everyone dies
i inject you with every poison there is
Types of poisons

The majority of this section is sorted by ICD-10 code, which classifies poisons based upon the nature of the poison itself. However, it is also possible to classify poisons based upon the effect the poison has (for example, "Metabolic poisons" such as Antimycin, Malonate, and 2,4-Dinitrophenol act by adversely disrupting the normal metabolism of an organism.)

(T36-T50) Poisoning by drugs, medicaments and biological substances

(T36.) Poisoning by systemic antibiotics

(T37.) Poisoning by other systemic anti-infectives and antiparasitics

(T38.) Poisoning by hormones and their synthetic substitutes and antagonists, not elsewhere classified

(T39.) Poisoning by nonopiod analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics

(T40.) Poisoning by narcotics and psychodysleptics (hallucinogens)

(T41.) Poisoning by anaesthetics and therapeutic gases

(T42.) Poisoning by antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic and antiparkinsonism drugs

(T43.) Poisoning by psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified

(T44.) Poisoning by drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system Neurotoxins interfere with nervous system functions and often lead to near-instant paralysis followed by rapid death. They include most spider and snake venoms, as well as many modern chemical weapons. One class of toxins of interest to neurochemical researchers are the various cone snail toxins known as conotoxins.

* Atropine
* Poison hemlock

Anticholinesterases (T44.0)

* Fasciculin
* Nerve agents

Acetylcholine antagonists

* Curare
* Pancuronium

Cell membrane disrupters Others

* Nicotine - not strictly a neurotoxin, but capable in large doses of causing heart attack

(T45.) Poisoning by primarily systemic and haematological agents, not elsewhere classified

* Phytohaemagglutinin (Red kidney bean poisoning)

(T46.) Poisoning by agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system

* Digitoxin
* Digoxin
* Ouabain

(T47.) Poisoning by agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system

* Solanine
* Hyoscyamine

(T48.) Poisoning by agents primarily acting on smooth and skeletal muscles and the respiratory system

* Strychnine
* Aconite

(T49.) Poisoning by topical agents primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane and by ophthalmological, otorhinolaryngological and dental drugs

(T50.) Poisoning by diuretics and other unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances

(T51-T65) Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source

(T51.) Toxic effect of alcohol

* (T51.0) Ethanol
* (T51.1) Methanol

(T52.) Toxic effect of organic solvents

(T53.) Toxic effect of halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons

(T54.) Toxic effect of corrosive substances Corrosives mechanically damage biological systems on contact. Both the sensation and injury caused by contact with a corrosive resembles a burn injury.

* Acids and bases, corrosives
o Various light metal oxides, hydroxides, superoxides
o Bleach, some pool chemicals, other hypochlorates (acidic and oxydizing effect)
o Hydrofluoric acid

Acids (T54.2) Strong inorganic acids, such as concentrated sulfuric acid, nitric acid or hydrochloric acid, destroy any biological tissue with which they come in contact within seconds.

Bases (T54.3) Strong inorganic bases, such as lye, gradually dissolve skin on contact but can cause serious damage to eyes or mucous membranes much more rapidly. Ammonia is a far weaker base than lye, but has the distinction of being a gas and thus may more easily come into contact with the sensitive mucous membranes of the respiratory system. Quicklime, which has household uses, is a particularly common cause of poisoning. Some of the light metals, if handled carelessly, can not only cause thermal burns, but also produce very strongly basic solutions in sweat.

(T55.) Toxic effect of soaps and detergents

(T56.) Toxic effect of metals A common trait shared by heavy metals is the chronic nature of their toxicity (a notable exception would be bismuth, which is considered entirely non-toxic). Low levels of heavy metal salts ingested over time accumulate in the body until toxic levels are reached.

Heavy metals are generally far more toxic when ingested in the form of soluble salts than in elemental form. For example, metallic mercury passes through the human digestive tract without interaction and is commonly used in dental fillings—even though mercury salts and inhaled mercury vapor are highly toxic.


* (T56.0) Lead poisoning
* (T56.1) Mercury
* (T56.2) Chromium
* (T56.3) Cadmium
* (T56.7) Beryllium (a highly but subtly toxic light metal)
* Antimony
* Barium
* Thallium
* Uranium

(T57.) Toxic effect of other inorganic substances

* (T57.0) Arsenic (see arsenic poisoning)
o Arsenic compounds
+ Arsenic trioxide
+ Fowler's solution

Reducing agents

* (T57.1) The most notable substance in this class is phosphorus.

(T58.) Toxic effect of carbon monoxide

* (T58) By far the most notable metabolic poison is carbon monoxide, which blocks the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen.

(T59.) Toxic effect of other gases, fumes and vapours

* Formaldehyde (T59.2)
* Phosgene
* Phosphine
* Hydrogen sulfide

Oxidizers Poisons of this class are generally not very harmful to higher life forms such as humans (for whom the outer layer of cells are more or less disposable), but lethal to microorganisms such as bacteria. Typical examples are ozone and chlorine (T59.4), either of which is added to nearly every municipal water supply in order to kill any harmful microorganisms present.

All halogens are strong oxidizing agents, fluorine (T59.5) being the strongest of all.

See also: Free radical

(T60.) Toxic effect of pesticides

* Pesticide poisoning
* Fluoroacetate is a metabolic poison that blocks a vital step in the citric acid cycle.
* Rotenone is a metabolic poison that disrupts electron transport in cellular respiration.

(T61.) Toxic effect of noxious substances eaten as seafood

* Ciguatera poisoning
* Scombroid poisoning
* Shellfish toxins (PSP, DSP, NSP, ASP )
* Domoic acid (or Amnesic Shellfish Poison, ASP)
* Tetrodotoxin

(T62.) Toxic effect of other noxious substances eaten as food

* Food poisoning
* Botulin toxin
* Hemlock water dropwort
* Grayanotoxin (Honey intoxication)
* Tetanospasmin (Tetanos Toxin)

(T63.) Toxic effect of venomous animals

* Snake and spider venoms

(T64.) Toxic effect of aflatoxin and other mycotoxin food contaminants

* Fungal toxins
o Amanita toxin, see Amanita phalloides
o Muscarine
o Aflatoxins

(T65.) Toxic effect of other and unspecified substances

* (T65.0) Cyanide is a metabolic poison that bonds with an enzyme involved in ATP production.
Brawny said:
meh, I seduct you as a woman. When you find out I am a guy. you commit suicide...
I leed you to the top of a building and i push you into a pool of hydrochloric acid
You are nagged to death by a random teacher.

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