Kill the person above you thread

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  • #197

Gets raped buy the death note
And dies of the resulting paper cuts
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  • #199
Teleports inside kira (not like that you dirty minded thing)
Then Kira expands and exploeds
i give u a knife and u be creative with it but it accidently slips out ur hand and chops off ur left toe and then due to loss of blood u die

i give you the good ol police brutality and knock you out cold and leave you in a dark ally to rott and die :)

if only i can do that to real criminals! damn the justice system lol
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  • #205
Thorws his post counts (yes on diffrent forums) at you
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  • #207
Throws aids on you (shurely thats only posable in my mind)
goes to prinnys house puts him in a sack puts him in the trunk of my car take my car to a monster truck place so you get smushed your lungs now will work for 5 more minues but.... you die of suffocation since you in a trunk!!!!
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  • #209
Teleports out just before truk crushies the car and makes you road kill
you teleport into mt st helens(volcano) and you burn!!!! hahahah

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