Kill the person above you thread

asdfghjkl i already sad i killed myself a long time ago so yall canot hurt me whahahahaha
im in hevan right now you have to be in hevan to destroy me whahahaha

dragons come to earth because they were forced to by me and they destroy you all
fiery of the Icyoooppplaa Move!!!(bombs drop from the sky and blow you up.then you are banned by...King Icy)
gets a cane and does old man jutsu...

Status:88 years old

now i will come over there...(Edit will be made when i get closer to you)LOL

Edit:im almost there(wait for another edit)
Edit2:*you fall asleep cause im so slow
Edit3:*you wave up near a cliff* i poke you with my cane and you fell down it

Normal status Jutsu
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