kid icarus...

nic7 said:
Really all 3 (Even the made up Pokemon Snap) really interest me.

A true sequel to Donkey Kong 64 would make me really happy. I know Rare did own a few of the characters in that 64 version, but I could conceivably see Nintendo either making new ones or asking Rare for permission to use some. (Especially Lanky. Lanky's the man.)

I've never played Kid Icarus, (The original) but I know that is loved by almost all who play it. So, I can imagine myself picking it up if there were some solid reviews.

And even Pokemon Snap 2, which I would love, handled the right way could be amazing. Picture all 500 Pokemon in one game. Take it off rails. Have it cover all the regions in Pokemon, be able to take online and co-op with friends, be able to battle with friends (Who can get the most pictures of Different Pokemon in XXX amount of time) Have an option to send it pictures to friends and Nintendo for a pic of the day competition. And that's just the start.

Downloaded Pokemon Snap the other day, and played it as a kid.
I have to say your idea of Pokemon Snap 2 is great, and would be a welcome addition to my home. That would be loads of fun. said:
You're ignorant and just stupid enough to insult someone elses thoughts on something when clearly no one's thoughts matter. Besides, its only an opinion. dont get so angry when someone thinks something about something you lost so horribly at.
You're right, your thoughts really don't matter to me. By the way, I'm not angry. If I was saying this in front of you, I would be saying it in a calm voice. Same with the last comment I made.
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CantGetAWii said:
Downloaded Pokemon Snap the other day, and played it as a kid.
I have to say your idea of Pokemon Snap 2 is great, and would be a welcome addition to my home. That would be loads of fun.


uhhh, hypocryte!!!! lol just kidding.

anyways since pit joined brawl, and it showed a lot of stuff about kid icarus like pit's final smash which is leading me to beleive that a new kid icarus will be coming around.

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