Just Got A Wii...


Think Differnet
Sep 19, 2007
New York
Well I've wanted one since the day the came out, but I was stupid and didn't pre-order one. I've been waiting forever for them to become redialy avaible to the public where I live... I finally came to the sad truth that it will never happen lol. But then I was hanging out with my friend Maddy and she told me "Hey I work at EB Games, and we get shipments in all the time, sure they sell QUICK but if you get there FAST you'll get one" So she sent me a text message "We Got Wiis!" and I ran my butt to the store and bought one! That was a few days ago. I've been so busy with working 13 hour days that I haven't had the time to even put a game into my Wii until today. Here's what I bought:

Nintendo Wii (Comes with Wii Sports & Wii Controller/Numbchuck
Wii Play (Extra Wii Mote)
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

That's it so far, I get paid today/tomorrow so I think I am going to buy Smooth Moves as well, and maybe a 2nd Numbchuck.

I also bought the Internet for the 500 Wii Points. I have 500 left, not really sure what I am going to buy with them.

I guess my question to all of you is, what should I know about the Wii that I don't already know?

The truth is I know NOTHING. Like when I joined here it asked for my: Wii Online Code & Wii Online Username. I don't even know what they are.

Also what Online games are there for the Wii? I'd like to get one to be able to play with other people.

I am sure as time goes on I'll have other stupid questions, but my 3rd grade teacher told me "the only stupid question, is the question never asked"

which reminds me... I was on my mysapce via the Wii Internet and my song wasn't loading it said JAva was either off, or I didn't have the latest version of Flash. Can I get the song add-on to work in myspace via the Wii?

Again sorry being being such a noob.

- Sora
The truth is I know NOTHING. Like when I joined here it asked for my: Wii Online Code & Wii Online Username. I don't even know what they are.

To find out your Wii Friend Code go to the main menu on the wii then click on the envelope, message central/boards. From there click on the address book and go to the front page. The number listed there is your Wii Friend Code. Also in order to add others you both need to register each others Wii Friend Code number.

Also what Online games are there for the Wii? I'd like to get one to be able to play with other people.

Right now the only good online game that I've heard of is Mario Strikers Charged.

which reminds me... I was on my mysapce via the Wii Internet and my song wasn't loading it said JAva was either off, or I didn't have the latest version of Flash. Can I get the song add-on to work in myspace via the Wii?

Unfortunately via the Wii internet you wont be able to download the latest version of flash and or java. So you wont be able to play the songs and or some videos, sorry.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask. Also be sure to refer to the Wii Manual.
Welcome to wiichat....where the good die, and the bad die worse.

....but yeah, listen to Syntax and you'll be okay.
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im on my wii right now typing this! its soo freaking cool! anyway i just wanted to say thx for the welcome and i am going 2 be busy with zelda for a while i think lol
If you want to know the best Wii games go to http://www.gamerankings.com Great site. Based on all of the reviews on the net these are considered the top 10 games.

1. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
3. Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition
4. Super Paper Mario
5. WarioWare: Smooth Moves
6. Madden NFL 07
7. Trauma Center: Second Opinion
8. Mario Strikers Charged
9. The Godfather: Blackhand Edition
10. Wii Sports WII

There are a lot of party games like Rayman Raving Rabbids that I hear a lot of positive things about as well. Also, Kororinpa: Marble Mania and Super Monkey Ball are two other games I've heard positive things about.

If you want to view some reviews of Virtual Console games

So far Mario Strikers, Madden, and Pokemon are the only online games at the moment. You can find a list of online Wii games here. A lot of people are excited for Smash Bros. and Mario Kart which are coming out in a few months:

Something you may not know:
Also, there is limited keyboard support on the Wii. If you plug in a USB keyboard to it you can type messages in the Wii Bulletin Board section. Sadly, they haven't added keyboard support to the Internet browser.
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THanks for that list, I'll have to check some of them out. I have been playing Zelda, and I must say so far it's REALLY freaking good, and I JUST got the wooden sword, so I know im no where near even into the game lol. I dunno if its gunna beat Ocornia, but so far.. so good. It's weird not knowing where everything is, but also great, I played for an hour last night figuring out how to get the fishing poll/cradel, and all that fun stuff. Really great game so far.
im not sure if anyone has corrected you yet, but its Nunchuck, not Numbchuck. lol have fun with your Wii!
welcome to the fourums of wiichat, we hope yoll enjoy your stay

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