Jumpy/Eratic Cursor Around Border


WiiChat Member
Nov 19, 2006
From the Wii menu, when I move the cursor towards the left side of the TV border, the cursor becomes jumpy/blinky/shaky. I am not going off the screen but tracing the edge of it. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?

As a test, from the main menu run the cursor around the border of the screen, what happens?

Also, how far from the TV are you when you are do the test?

Thanks in advance!
I had this problem and it was because of two things:

1) I have a glass tv stand that seem to reflect the signal from the wiimote

2) I used the stand for the receiver


Get rid of the stand for the receiver and make sure the wiimote is within the line of sight of the receiver.

Best of luck.
so if you have a glass stand the wiimote wont be accurate? well i have a massive glass stand were the tv sits
I have a marble coffee table and I realized that it was reflecting off of that and making the cursor jump around. I just layed a towel down and it was fine

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