Joystick vs Mouse

Don't forget it's mostly about how was the game developed. Take the Orange Box's TF2, EP2 and Portal. Don't include HL2 and Episode 1 since they were coded specifically for PCs.

They don't control well on a PC with the keyboard/mouse. One accustomed to playing PC games can easily "feel" the differnce. However, on the 360, the feel is REALLY good.

That's because TF2, EP2 and Portal were coded FOR console play. They've been ported to PC. Sad, sad, sad. God I really have Vivendi. Just in case you didn't know, they own Sierra/Valve/Steam/HL2/etc.

I have a student who regularly goes 50&1 on high ranked Halo3 matches. He's insane with a 360 controller. I slaughter him on PC games including Halo:Evolved.

I was one of the original batch of HL beta testers and while I really like what's been done with HL2 and it's episodes, I HATE (FREAKING HATE!!!!!!) TF2!!!!!

My GOD! I waited all this time for TF2 and it's CRAP compared to TFC. No grenades, no rocket/grenade jump, no bouncing timed grenades, and a lot of other crappy things. Yes it LOOKs awsome, but the game play sucks and the fact that one has to wait so much is total BS. What's with the 60 second "pre-play" time??!?!?!? I think it's simply so they can push more ads on the screen.

Oh, and I'm not a WASD "movement" player. I use forward=mouse1, back=mouse2, step-left=A, step-right=D, Fire=Space, Jump=CTRL, Alt-fire=X (sometimes mouse3 or 4) and look=mouse. WASD players can't match that. Keyboards are no where near as responsive as a mouse.
lackluster dj said:
analog stick is oooollllldddd technology. think N64.

The analog stick/arcade joystick has been around since 1973, it's just a modified version of the Arcade joysticks. N64 is definitely not the pioneer of it. Infact, if i remember right.. the first Atari console had an analog stick back in 1977 for it's controller... granted it was large and funny looking.

I'm unsure at the moment of whether or not the analog stick is older than the mouse or not, don't remember when the mouse was first invented.. I'll have to check it out later.
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Gikoku said:
The analog stick has been around since 1972 (maybe alittle earlier) , it's just a modified version of the Arcade joysticks. N64 is definitely not the pioneer of it. Infact, if i remember right.. the first Atari console had an analog stick back in 1977 for it's controller... granted it was large and funny looking.

I'm unsure at the moment of whether or not the analog stick is older than the mouse or not, don't remember when the mouse was first invented.. I'll have to check it out later.
the first mouse was invented in 1972 i believe (according to Wiki anyways)
yeah, yall are right about the analog stick/joystick age

i was more referring to general mainstream console controllers. the traditional progression has been directional pad => analog stick => pointing mechanism.
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Gikoku said:
Ah, okay. Need to correct myself then, since the first gaming joystick came out in 1973 (and not 1972), a year after the mouse.

What gaming joystick came out in 73? I was a kid then and we were one of the few first to get the early game machines in OHIO. I don't remember one with a joystick until about 1976.

The early joysticks were not analog based. Trust me on this, I played with them then and STILL have some in my basement. They were on/off switches. The early ones were even only 4-ways. Not even the colleco had an analog stick (one I still have).

I don't remember analog sticks coming out for arcade machines until the mid-80s. They didn't hit the console/pc market till the 90s.

Mice prior to the macs were usually "joystick emulation" based. I had one on my VIC20 and it was pretty crappy. Even the later ones were crappy. Not until the early 90s did they truely become a dedicated device.
Actually Im pretty sure it would be quite even. If you have been playing on the computer for along time odds are that your use to the mouse, same goes for someone on a game system. So it shouldn't matter.