Jaws game on the wii!


Nov 4, 2007
last one was on ps2...

i played ecco on dreamcast and if the fix the draw distance but keep the gameplay it might be cool!
Oh... A manly mantear has been shed from my bare-chested soul. More movie game shovelware is upon us...

Unless they decide to give a **** about this Jaws game, lol. Doubtful.
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Oh... A manly mantear has been shed from my bare-chested soul. More movie game shovelware is upon us...

Unless they decide to give a **** about this Jaws game, lol. Doubtful.
why call it shovelware if its not even out yet?:rolleyes5:
why call it shovelware if its not even out yet?:rolleyes5:

Movie game series with horrible previous entries? That just screams a terrible game, lol. Thus, I labeled shovelware. 'Course I don't have any idea whether or not it'l be garbage, but that's my educated guess.
Honestly, I'm a sucker for shark stuff. I'll get it, or at least rent it to see if it's good.

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