*new Trailers*


Sith guy
May 31, 2007
Wii Online Code
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its wii... all games above are wii... I think Prostreet comes out in '08... I did alot of searching for wii games yesterday cuz I was sick and couldnt go to work and made a list of all my wants, then today Im sick again so I searched for trailers, and found alot of stuff from Pre-E3
sithmagician said:
its wii... all games above are wii...
Wii games, not Wii versions. I can assure you the Wii version of Pro Street will look nothing like that.

Nights looks really good though. I thought the graphics from the few screenshots looked horrible but it looks decent in motion and more importantly the game-play looks fun.
What are the controlls for this game? (Not just nunchuck or wii-mote - each button and movement)
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there will be 2 controll schemes, one of which is based on the classic controls of the Saturn. Using the classic controller and obviously the other scheme using the nunchuck and wiimote, althought he actuall controls have not been released yet for this scheme.... It is also going to use wiiconnect 24 for something or another, Im not quite sure what that is, but it is NOT for online play... There are going to be seven worlds... And the game will interact with the weather channel..... Thats all I know about NiGHTS, Im really looking forward to it.....
He probobly didn't. This isn't google search, you might need to look back a page or two, but arn't these new Vagrant? Where have you seen all of these?
StevenNevets said:
He probobly didn't. This isn't google search, you might need to look back a page or two, but arn't these new Vagrant? Where have you seen all of these?

IGN, Gamespot.

They are Pre-2007 E3 trailers.

Notice the link for the Nights trailer is a thread I made last night.

The Godzilla and NFS trailers aren't anwhere on wiichat though. They were up on ign on the main wii page a few days ago though.
Personally when I watch that "old" ssbb trailer I don't enjoy being rick rolled.
Also the need for speed game is not for the Wii that was shown there. That was shown in mad HD.
sithmagician said:
i appologize....

No no, no need to apologize. You do have links here of things that haven't been posted. I was just saying their are threads for some of them so you can use those to discuss the further and specifically.

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