iz rap music???

lyrics dont make the music.
lyrics without music is poetry.

rap is music, just b/c you may not like/appreciate it, does not mean someone else doesnt like it.

personally im not a fan of rap, but appreciate the music underneath the rapper.
an artist that uses an autotuner (kanye west, 50 cent, beyonce, cher) isn't a true musician, but a published item.
Rap is definitely considered music!! The beats generally consist of a wide variety of instruments and even modulations in Tempo. As rukus noted Lyrics don't make music, but i believe rap music is more creative and flexible with lyrics than any other musical genre. Most (good) rappers use complex and thought provoking metaphors and similes. Also rappers use literary sound devices such as meter and Alliteration to create a vocal rhythm in their words.
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I admit that I've been out of the loop for quite a while, but is there any particular reason that this person hasn't been banned?
I admit that I've been out of the loop for quite a while, but is there any particular reason that this person hasn't been banned?

Not sure they have really done anything banworthy.

But other than that it's pretty dead in here so at least he's helping with that.
I'm not even going to reply with an educated answer since I couldn't even read the
ing op.
Sure, you hear it on radio stations hand what not
I dont hear it on the stations I listen to

but do you think data rap music should really be consider music?
Data rap music?
Did he have a rap song?

Its all beats and **** like that
So this Data music its calender based?

And most my of dads lyrics suck besides a couple 80s 90s rabbis
So your dads a 80s/90s jew that cant sing?
Did he give up being a jew?
It's not music I would enjoy, but it is music. There's obviously musical instruments involved or else they'd be standing there rapping in silence. The lyrics are all the same (and meaningless) and the styles are barely fresh, which is why I prefer Hip-Hop over Rap.

Other than that, the fog of stupidity must be spreading like wildfire around here.
This is a useless thread that is sort of messed up. I'm a HUGE fan of Rap, Hip Hop, and R&B but since I don't like rock, country, gospel, blues, jazz, ect you don't see me making a thread saying how they are not music because I don't like them. Rap is music if you like it or not just like rock, country, gospel, blues, and jazz, ect :|