Its Shaman King Thread

in touch with the wii

prez , you suck :p
Aug 2, 2006
the moon
Wii Online Code
just do anthing related to shamon king opinons, pic,vids heck even comic strips i loved shaman king when it was on and heres a pic for starters
Yea i still watch it :D it goes on Jetix in England and I have all the 64 episodes on the COmp and i have the Extra Manga(A small Sequel) which is 7 after the Tournament and Yoh and Anna has a kid called Hana and the series is called Funbari no Uta! Wootness! and my favourite Char is Tao Ren(Len Tao in English)
and Yoh Asakura :)
yea when the X-Laws try and Take away the Oxygen with that Grenade Shield and he just swithes Medium and makes his Spirt of Fire the Spirit of Water, he has the Best spirit ever, Spirit of Elements! wootness!
you know his name was Hao right? xD but i doubt the Creator will make any more allthough i wanna See Funbari no Uta! as an Anime there is only the manga right now :/
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soz forgot to spell his name hao thx i agree with u sasuke this is just one of my many anime threads u seem like quite the anime fan
Actually the Clothes are Gay. and i thought Hao was a strong guy but he was so Skinny the first time you see him when his cape is just gone xD
sasuke747 said:
Yea i still watch it :D it goes on Jetix in England and I have all the 64 episodes on the COmp

From a DVD or a website. If it's a website can you tell me the totally legal ;) website you downloaded them from... pretty please.

I used to watch shaman king but I always missed one episode or they'd start from the beggining for no reason :)
:p Im afraid that the 64 episodes I downloaded my bro got from a Lan because i asked him to and he cmae home with a New External HD and had Lots of Anime's in it :)

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