Is your Wii not connect to the internet? Want 500 Wii points to spend free.. READ ON


WiiChat Member
Dec 16, 2009
I am looking for people that currently have a Wii Console but have not yet been on the Wii Shopping Channel / connected it up to the internet. You must be in the United Kingdom. Please post here if you fall under this category and I can help you connect and in doing so both will receive 500 FREE Wii points to spend on the Wii shopping channel on FREE games :D

Please read below for instructions of how to get these points :D
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Hi guys,
I'm guessing the majority of you will not have a Wii but for those that do please read on.
Nintendo are currently doing a promotion called "Wii Connection Ambassador".
It awards a person for helping another person connect their Wii to the internet, in doing so both people receive 500 Wii points to spend on more Wii games on the Wii shop channel :D
1. You must not of been on the Wii Shop Channel before
2. Start the Wii up and go to the Wii Menu. On the right hand side of the screen there should be a Wii Shop Channel, click on that and start it.
3. When you first go to this channel it will ask you about connecting to the internet, you should all have a wireless connection through your internet router hopefully :D Locate the network that you use for your internet access on your home computers, and let your Wii connect to that.
4. Once you have briefly run through the connection process, the game should update the software to a more recent version if this has not already been done.
5. Go to the Wii Shop channel again and start it. You will see something called "Connection Ambassador Promotion", click on this.
6. There will be 2 choices on the next screen, you want to choose "Person who was helped".
7. The next screen will ask you for my Wii Console number seeing as I have helped you connect your Wii to the internet :D Enter the following number in: 8668 1988 7533 6361
8. Fill in the survey which doesn't take a second.
9. To finish the job just need your Wii console number, this is easy to find: Go to the main Wii menu, and click the "mail" icon of an envelope.
10. Select create message, and this should bring you to a screen, with an address book been on the right hand side. Choose the address book.
11. It will tell you your Wii console number here, please send me a message or post the number here.
12. I enter the number on my part of the "Ambassador Connection Promotion" and we both receive 500 Wii points.
The Wii points can be spent on the Wii Shop Channel to get FREE games for your Wii :D
Thanks everyone for reading and for those who follow these steps and get the points!
Take care all

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