Is WiiChat.... dying?

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I remember there being a reason why but I can't remember. It doesn't matter anyway, you've learned a lot since then (or so you say lmfao =P).

Screw it. 4AM. going to bed. Night all.
I don't see why they would though, and I don't think its wrong to be friendly here.
It just depends who that person is.
Yep lol 89 friends,damn, u were always the wizard.
Well don't worry your in the presence of friendly people. Sure there may be some people that give you trouble but they usually hang around in there little group and you know to avoid them. Plus right now most people active at the moment are friendly.
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Yep lol 89 friends,damn, u were always the wizard.
Well don't worry your in the presence of friendly people. Sure there may be some people that give you trouble but they usually hang around in there little group and you know to avoid them. Plus right now most people active at the moment are friendly.

Yeah :)
Maybe it was weird because i was overly friendly and a girl on a gaming forum
Its pretty much 'Pedo Alert' material.

oh my lord,
i presume its best to leave this forum
before all this drama follows me agian
nice meeting you all
good day!
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Yeah :)
Maybe it was weird because i was overly friendly and a girl on a gaming forum
Its pretty much 'Pedo Alert' material.

oh my lord,
i presume its best to leave this forum
before all this drama follows me agian
nice meeting you all
good day!

What drama? I have met a lot of nice people here on WiiChat. I haven't met anyone who has insulted me or other people.
Phaha ck. I argued with him so much when I was a wii-chat noob. Hes a good guy...

And wiiChats not dying! See a thread thats active!
dammmm i know right? :( i miss the good old days when:

- Prinny would post the ELLO pictures to every new member XD
- people hating on lee.jarrett.
- wario2ooo posting like crazy
- wiiwouldlike2play, aka steph, making some of the coolest board games
- the brawl tournys!!! lmao i remember i ACTUALLY won and got free wii points
- OMG that one mod!! i forgot her name but she ABUSED her power lol but one day she got fed up with it and left the site
- when i0n was here :/

but other than that. . i guess on with the new generation of wiichatters :)

i **** you not, I joined like 5 days after all that happened.

Wiichat is pretty much dead for me, i rarely ever post and all i do is browse to read what people are talking about and check up on the ps3 section.
I used to be a frequesnt poster way back when, but my interest towards posting is gone.

so, ill probably post post once or twice every once in a while, but for now, ill stick to the shadows until i find a good reason to come out.
If this site was dead there would be very few on here. Sure there is less people, and some familiar faces are gone but there are still new ones that come. Maybe since economic problems strike, people devote more time to work or other things making them busy having less time to surf the web.
I'm back! It sure is dying! Back when this place was booming we had some good times! There were threads like this back then too! Ha ha there were even threads worrying about a wiichat apocolypse..... We didn't take it seriously until it happend :( I was so devoted to stopping that d bag who made the master friend code list ha ha let's do this guys! Let's bring wiichat back to life!!!!!
These young'ins with their "Conduits". Bah. When I was a lad, allll we had was a piece of wood with a picture painted on it. We lived in a rolled up newspaper in the middle of the road. Every day we would wake up 5 hours before we went to sleep, sweep the road from day til night, and when we got home we staired at the picture for 10 minutes, then our fathers killed us and danced around in our graves.

But we were happy then. Because we were poor, we're better for it. Who thought now we would be chatting in a lounge !? Certainly not I.
Thought I'd requote this winning post considering everyone ignored it.

Well, let me recap...

- Was posting a ton, all of the good posters were posting, all the sections were buzzing, had almost 13,000 posts (12,800 something).
- Crash.
- I think I've posted maybe 40 times since then maybe? It's so inactive, absolutely no administration, and I'm not close with hardly anyone that still posts here.. so.

I could never come back and think nothing of it, really, which is sad considering how dedicated I use to be here, there's just no reason to stay.
I've almost completely lost interest as well. Sometimes there's a bit of an interesting thread, but the lack of new ideas bores me. Everyone in the Wii section is talking about the Conduit which I don't own and probably will not get. We lost a lot of the active members in the PS3 section. I don't own a 360.

It was really fun when the site was in its prime, but I doubt it'll ever recover...
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