is wii going to be another failed console later down the line?

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i thought the GC would do better thn the N64 but i was sooooo wrong....
thats fine i understand,but here is something you greatly overlooked...EA has nintendos back....this is HUGE. Why you ask sports games alone...interactivity unparalled....this alone will sell units. I cant wait to play madden,fifa,Live, fight night,etc. Can you do that on a ps3 or 360? No,hell **** no.
Chill out, daddyfatsackz. mofoninja88 isn't bashing Wii at all, just bringing up some faults in Nintendo's last console. I agree, GC was a bit of a waste as it only had a handful of great games and not enough 3rd party support. However, unlike GC, Wii has quite a bit of support. Ubisoft, who I think I can say is many people's including my favorite game design company, are really pushing out good titles and EA is also really into the new controller and what it can offer.
Nintendo learned from their previous mistakes and are really competing well, offering a huge launch list with some great games and when things get a little sparse, Nintendo will release more VC games. Many gaming companies seem to be tired of the same old "increase the graphics, same old gameplay" formula and Wii is catching their eyes. If Wii fades out, then Xbox 360 will definitely fade out and PS3 will follow soon after, a.k.a. the world ends.:D
look, as much as i HATE 2 admit it, the gamecube was a dissapointing console. it was. we all know it was. ive gotten over that. u should 2. (btw, please dont start listing reasons y it was a good console, or anything like that). although it had some good games (ssmb melee kicked ass), overall, it wasnt that great.

nintendo has learned from its mistakes, however. they have a shitload of third party support. they have online play. their launch linup kicks ass, and with LOZ:TP, they cant lose. they have so many games, that they actually pushed back some of them from launch. NO MORE WEIRD CEL SHADED ANIME VERSION OF LOZ (look, if u liked it, fine, but i didnt). they fixed the problems with the last mario game (i just didnt like sunshine. i hate water levels, and that was like 1 big water level).

they also have kickass features. u can download games, browse the web, chat, and much, much more.

anyway, theres my opinion. Wii will not dissapoint.
well i dont have a 360 i onyl have a gamecube so the grphics suck but game play is ok i think the wii will have better graphics then the regular xbox but the 360 grphics and ps3 will and are the best.. The wii will have good game play cant wiat to get mine!!!!!!!!
I bought a GC like a year ago. For like 50 bucks. It was so cheap. Then i wen't out and played all the games i wanted to play, sunshine, windwaker, prime and echoes, evil4, and 4swords, clocked them all, then sold all the games and console. You can be ripped off if you want to be or, you can be smart about it, and save cash. The whole thing is everyone wants to be first to do everything in this world, and if you wanna be first, then expect to pay, and expect to be ripped off. Maybe, if you wait 6 months, zelda and a bunch of other games will be half price, the wii will be 50 bucks cheaper and have DVD, and the whole virtual console thing will be sorted and cheaper. Nintendo gear always gets cheap real fast after release. I know, the excitement probably has you and me by the balls this time, and i don't think i can wait that long either. So, we're screwed. Nintendo owns us.
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art said:
I bought a GC like a year ago. For like 50 bucks. It was so cheap. Then i wen't out and played all the games i wanted to play, sunshine, windwaker, prime and echoes, evil4, and 4swords, clocked them all, then sold all the games and console. You can be ripped off if you want to be or, you can be smart about it, and save cash. The whole thing is everyone wants to be first to do everything in this world, and if you wanna be forst, then expect to pay, and expect to be ripped off. Maybe, if you wait 6 months, zelda and a bunch of other games will be half price, the wii will be 50 bucks cheaper and have DVD, and the whole virtual console thing will be sorted and cheaper. Nintendo gear always gets cheap real fast after release. I know, the excitement probably has you and me by the balls this time, and i don't think i can wait that long. So, we're screwed. Nintendo owns us.

Yes, Gary...Yes.
the big N hasnt really disappointed me yeah they might have screwed up with the gamecube but it had some good games and plus the DS is a Huge sucess! i think that nintendo has a lot of potential with the wii
I completely share ninja's concerns... The GC had massive amounts of possibility - 480p, two expansion ports, online play - and nothing ever materialized. With Nintendo being so secretive about advanced features like online play and possible peripherals (e.g. External HD), its hard not to be a little apprehensive.

I'm counting on Nintendo to deliver this time. If they can't, they may not last long...
Well hopefully the Wii isn't as dissapointing as the GC. I have owned every Nintendo console so far but after I bought a GC and ended up giving it away I swore I would never buy another Nintendo console again. But now with all the motion sensing I just can't resist it. I will probably eventually buy all three consoles but if the Wii is anything like the GC then I will chuck it out a window and never buy anything from Nintendo again.