Is this the last?...

Desi_Wii_G said:
Well I was wondering about this while sitting on my computer. Do you guys think that Brawl can be the last Super Smash Bros? If so what will we do next and how would you guys like it?

*gasp* dont ever think like that. the smash bros will get "Bigger and faster and stronger too..."

anyone reconize that tune from a melee song?

*cough* hes the first member of the DK group *cough*
You're right. That's the only way to go.


SuparZ ZOMGZ Smashar broz: Uber 1337 pwnage

Doesn't quite roll of the tongue...
It's true. It would probably win abbreviation of the year...but you would have to add "of doom" at the end. So..

Damn. That's sexy. It's like "Super Sayian ZOMFGZZ 246392885704932". The longer it is and the more Z'/#'s it has...the cooler it has to be.
its hard to say. if nintendo makes a new console then i think yes
Are you kidding?
No way! They wont just Stop making the most popular Nintendo game of all time. That's like Windows just stop making computer programs because they think they should just move on.
And, of course they will make a new Wii console. Why would the best gaming company just stop making game consoles?
If you think about it, out of the 3 competitions, (sony, microsoft, nintendo) Nintendo is the only FULL gaming company.
killik119 said:
But the name would be "Super Smash Bros. FRAY"... or Rumble, which was suggested before and sounds better than fray.

Hecks yeah. Now people went THARRR with me, including you. I'm obviously a trend setter here.

they should make another and have it 3d roaming, or just bring out power stone 3 as a wii exclusive :) said:
ah yes the 2012 thing. This sucks for my generation considering im in highschool and probably be 19 years old. So i wont be able to do alotta things. But that just gives me one more excuse to rob a bank. :p
Wonder if that argument would hold up in court... "But your honour, I was told the world was going to end tomorrow" ... "Oh I see....well carry on"

Anyways, there will be many Smash Bros to come, just dont expect the next one after Brawl to be much of an improvement, save for a roster update...
SamiAmiaM said:
Hecks yeah. Now people went THARRR with me, including you. I'm obviously a trend setter here.
I said not to go THARRR. ;_;
Deanis said:
Wonder if that argument would hold up in court... "But your honour, I was told the world was going to end tomorrow" ... "Oh I see....well carry on"
Anyways, there will be many Smash Bros to come, just dont expect the next one after Brawl to be much of an improvement, save for a roster update...
Not necessarily. With their new console (I'm sure) will come much more advanced online capabilities. Plus, they can always add various modes, change the story mode up...SSB isn't done yet.
Im certainly hoping online will be improved upon, good point. I still feel the lack of mic support is a pressing issue but hey...thats upto Nintendo to fix not for me to complain continuously about.
BTW, add more modes!? There is going to be so much to do in SSBB, you will load it up and your head will explode undecided on what to do.
*Loads up SSBB*...*head explodes from amount of options to choose from*
Another thing you have to ask yourself is, how much longer will we have consoles? PC gaming is becoming very popular. A console is pretty much a PC but the PC has so many more capabilities and they get cheaper everyday. I gives about 2 more consoles after the Wii before consoles are out, Maybe not even that long. About 1990, PCs were getting more popular. 17 years later and we're far more technologically advanced. The Wii will be out a while longer. I'm feeling a good 4 to 5 years for our next console. Maybe another 5 years for the next. That console should last a good 5 years so that puts us into about 2021 or something. As far as we've come consoles will just be computers. And then, well that's the end of consoles because people will just walk in the store and buy an HP or Dell, possibly a Compaq or a Nintendo. Which ever one they prefer. Probably which ever one is cheaper.
As far as SSB goes, just think about how long Mario Kart has lasted. There's more to SSB than new additions. Improved technology, physics processors, graphics, and so pm. And btw, Sakurai is not siting there writing the code and designing the characters. There are tons of people creating this game and as I've said before, even if Sakurai leaves, his team will remain and they will create, as they always do, something incredible.

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