Is this the last?...

I think it will be, and if it does it will be a good swan song for the series.
The reason I think it is, its loaded with so many things, online, story mode, perhaps a ton of characters, build your own much things.

Plus all those details pretty much use up all the ideas of another game.
Like Super Smash Bros. Online..or Super Smash Bros. Build :lol:
howbout instead of a whole new game
we could have download packs

that give us more characters and stages in ssbb
bw! said:
howbout instead of a whole new game
we could have download packs

that give us more characters and stages in ssbb
Would be quite rawkin' actually.
yes the fact is even if he doesnt like making these games the megabuks this game will produce $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ bottem line its all about the money people... still if you look at it took what4 years??? i think thats a big i think... ( i could run down stairs but well nah) to make brawl so i wouldnt hold my breath for another game to be made i say give it 5 years after brawl has DIED OFF until they START making a next 1... and it will be on another consol not wii i can tell you that much
I just don't want Sakurai getting burned out, then saying, "Ugh, fine...I'll do another one..." Then BS'ing it.
Marioman said:
Well considering the world ends in 2012...don't ask me why do some research...I'm sure I'll be fine till then

So, because the mayan calander ends in 5 years... the world will end in that year? Maybe, doubt it though. Maybe they just couldn't map the rest of time. It's an interesting point that takes way too long to research, so i just got the gist of it all.

EDIT: Nah, i don't think this game will end the smash bros. series. Hopefully this will spark some more ideas for the following game. I personally want to see combos, such as marth and roys across B abilites. But if this were to come to light, it wouldn't be accessed by B moves, but more to do with normal A moves... and every move following the last one would be different depending on timing and the move that proceeded it! The possibilities!

But the name would be "Super Smash Bros. FRAY"... or Rumble, which was suggested before and sounds better than fray.
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smash bros will continue to be made UNLESS sakurai makes one so we can just download updates with charcters and stages and things like that.
As long as a product sells, and there is high demand for more, then the product will continue.

If sakurai jumps ship after Brawl then another company will take up the reigns. The game will sell and ninty knows that. So if they have to sell the rights to keep the franchise alive they'll do it. As long as it keeps selling that is.
Well i could actually say no there are alot more possibilites of another DIFERENT type of SSB
Fire Flower said:
Dude, if there are that many Mario Parties then I don't think they'll get tired of Smash Bros.
Except Super Smash Bros. takes more then one night of being drunk to think of.
LOL!! i think mario party just needs to be done by some1 else, or get some1 to help. but like fire flower said, if mario party keeps goin, so will smash bros. plus, there also new nintendo charcters being made, (travis touchdown :lol:) which means more smash bros.

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