Is this a problem with Mii Parade?


WiiChat Member
Jan 1, 2007
I really want to use the parade feature, but there might be something that I'm missing here. I have registered friends, i have a good amount of Miis, they are set to "mingle", and the travel settings are set to "travel", but I only see two Miis in the parade. Is it just that the 5 or so people in my address book haven't set their travel features on, or their Miis to "mingle"? Or is it some problem with my counsel.
Also, if it's not a problem with my counsle, then add me and let's get a parade going!

(and yes, the friends are confirmed)

Edit: Comeon people, I need some help here:)

Number: 4466-1646-0530-0676
Nickname: Wiinis
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just wait...when i first add new people i would get like one or two miis in a span of one week. But now i have 17-20 miis in my parade on a daily basis ( dont even care any more). I think the miis get pointless in a while
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So... do I only get one or two mii's from each friend that i have? or will it slowly send their entire collection into my parade after a while.

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