Is there going to be a new Nintendo console?

pro gamer said:
Did you play it when it was still around his neck?:lol:

:lol: haha. I'm surprised he even took the thing off his neck. Henestly, I wouldn't trust me if I was him.
pro gamer said:
I wouldn't trust anybody.:lol:

Especially with a device that tiny. I could have put it in my back pocket and ran!! It's not like stealing a PS3 y'know!
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Why did they stop making nintendo micros?
because they introduced it when ds was selling very well. do u see the logic?
2007 was it's first full year. So 2007+5= 2012. I don't expect it to last longer than 5 years without Nintendo announcing a new console. It may be on the market for 7 years, but word of a new console should surface around 2011 for Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, or all 3.
Around 2012 they will probably release the Wii2 :lol:
I don't see them making a new console for a while. The Wii was big enough to last them for a long time.

I wonder though, when they do make a next-gen-Wii/New Console if they will include the same Game play as the Wii. Meaning Wireless bluetooth controllers and Motion sensitive game play. This was really a major step in the Gamer Community.
Areo X said:
I wonder though, when they do make a next-gen-Wii/New Console if they will include the same Game play as the Wii. Meaning Wireless bluetooth controllers and Motion sensitive game play. This was really a major step in the Gamer Community.

I'm certain they would. But I'm hoping they improve the sensor bar calibration. Who's willing to trade graphics for better motion control on Wii2??
I'm hoping to see a small graphics jump and a huge motion sensitivity jump.
A Wii2 with 360 graphics and better motion control.
New systems come out ~ 5-6 years after a new launch .... has been like that for the past few generations... so if it stays the same, then it would be another 4-5 years until a new system comes out
Whenever it comes out, i just hope to be full compatible with the wii we already own and it's wiimotes. It must be something like a PS3,from a technical view,with wiimote and Ninty games!!
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