is ther runescape for wii?

Fire Flower said:

Seriously don't play addictive games like that. Runescape, Habbo,
they all waste your life.

There is no game coming out but you can look forward too mario, brawl mario kart anda bunch of others.

You can play those games if you want. WoW if you seriously want to be addicted, which is not necessarily a bad thing (want to pass time waiting for something). CoH/V is a casual game, which doesn't require mass amounts of time to level up, which is why I liked it.
You could play... counter strike:sick:. Addicting, no leveling, large communities, pay only for game disc... There are better games out there though. I bet I'm gonna get attacked for mentioning counter strike....

foladies and gentle men i found out why RUNESCAPE will not play on wii and i und hw tomake it play with a simmble mod and it does not cost you any moni it does but it is very cheap anyways lets just get down to the chase now RUNESCAPE will not work because you have opera broswer and opera does not support java Ah java thats what you need to play RUNESCAPE stack well i found to get java all u need to do is buy a sd card for your wii stick it in to your wii delet opera software get adifferent one from the net put it on to your sd card stick it the wii upload it from the memory ther you go .Now ther you go you have a different broswer Now download java on the card and the upload on the wii there you go start runescape and it will work OH YEAH two more things this isa bitreasky might burn your card but no ur wii
and one more you know how ppl are saying you cant runescape a.k.a rs with out a keyboard do you hat key board that comes up on the screen when your going to type something thats wats is going tobe on runescape Oh and if need any help email me at its at te bottom:mad5: :ciappa: :yikes: :lol: :lol: :lol:
rs, wow, other games like that there all terrible they not quite turnbased but suck twice as much exactly like every one else on here i have to say those games are soul theives youll never truelly acomplish anything by playing them the only people who do are the people who made and sold them to nerdy kids like you and me so i suggest you quite playing imediatly and go out be a man and fight a bear to the death with just your hands. do it ya pansy!

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