Is The Wii REALLY worth it?

Big_Mill said:
To be fair to Nintendo they have realised that is their problem and do seem to be doing there best to get people on board.

They seem to have patched up relations with square now, a gta is coming and EA seem to be throwing their considerable support behind the wii. Add in Ubisoft and Sega and thats a fair old amount of games producers. The fact the Wii is the hottst thing going at the moment will also attract a few of those developers too.

At the moment Sony seem to be going down the old Nintendo route believing they are amazing and trying to dictate terms to developers, and they do appear to be losing exclusives because of it.

Grand Theft Auto? And Nintendo? Really?
Wi1d Ey3d J0k3r said:
Being an unbiased gamer, who owns all 3 next gen consoles (which I each love), here is my opinion (for what it's worth)...

Whether you buy the Wii or not ultimately should be determined by what experience you are expecting to receive from the console. I do not know if you own either a XBox 360 or PS3. However, I can assure you that the graphics of Wii games will NEVER fully match those of the other platforms. Sure, as somebody else said, developers will eventually push the systems technology and develop games with improved graphics. HOWEVER, this process also applied to the other two consoles. In the end, the graphical advances of the consoles can't be considered because they nullify each other. Technologically, the Wii can't compete with the other cancels. END OF STORY.

The Wii is also lacking in some other great features. One of thee is third party support. Nintendo has flat out lost the majority of third party support in the past, and do you think developer Joe-Shmo over there is going to port his title onto the Wii and be creative with the Wii-mote. HELL NO! Call of Duty 3 for the Wii is nothing like either of its other platform brothers. Therefore, you may miss out on some great games. Other minor details, like advanced multimedia capabilities are missing.

On the other hand, the Wii does offer all of the best Nintendo has to offer. This is probably going to be the vast majoriy of its great games. One of my concerns is the quality of the Wii games. Sure, many of them are great, but many more are gimmicky uses of the Wii-mote. The DS has the same problem. Developers are unwilling to be creative and push the envelope and instead use these unique capabilities to navigate menus and perform minor tasks.

Since the consol is only $250, it is a very good deal. However, you are getting what you pay for.

I'll tell you that after beating Zelda, the night I got it. My Wii has received very little attention. However, I've spent countless night playing Gears of War on XBox Live on my 360. I'm also in high anticipation for Halo 3. PS3 has GTA 4 (also on 360), Tekken 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, and a slew of other games being developed. The only things I really look forward to on the Wii are Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Metroid.

The bottom line is what is it that you want, what can you afford, and what games are a priority for you to play. If you have the money, and other next gen consoles, I'd invest (you could always sell it or trade it in). If you don't own any next gen consoles, I would heavily consider another platform.

I hope that helps...

That is the best 1st post from any member I have ever read. Great job brotha! And very well put.

PtonJalken said:
Grand Theft Auto? And Nintendo? Really?
No not really. Wont ever happen.
It is well worth it! I may not own one yet, but I can tell from playing other peoples PS3s and 360s.

Why you should get a Wii instead of 360.
-Recharable controllers for 360 are horrible run out of batteries fast in 4 player mode. (From my experiences anyways)

-Its alittle over priced in my opinion.

Why you should get instead of PS3

-Unless your rich its overpriced.

-Wii comes with a game

-Wii has an internet browser

-Wii is more interactive.

This is just what I think, I can't make you buy a Wii.

Edit: If you want to have a different gaming experience than the traditional controls etc. than go with Wii.

But if you relly love FPS get a Wii, then trade in/ sell and buy a PS3 or Xbox 360 when the prices go down.
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trojan_horse said:
It is well worth it! I may not own one yet, but I can tell from playing other peoples PS3s and 360s.

Why you should get a Wii instead of 360.
-Recharable controllers for 360 are horrible run out of batteries fast in 4 player mode. (From my experiences anyways)

-Its alittle over priced in my opinion.

Why you should get instead of PS3

-Unless your rich its overpriced.

-Wii comes with a game

-Wii has an internet browser

-Wii is more interactive.

This is just what I think, I can't make you buy a Wii.

Edit: If you want to have a different gaming experience than the traditional controls etc. than go with Wii.

But if you relly love FPS get a Wii, then trade in/ sell and buy a PS3 or Xbox 360 when the prices go down.

My 360 batteries work for like 18hrs each. PS3 is not overpriced at all. The Blu Ray is outstanding and is a top of line player. The PS3 has a better HD internet browser. And if you love FPS you dont get a Wii lol. FPS suck so badly on the Wii. If you love party games or sports then you get the Wii.
Originally Posted by PtonJalken
Grand Theft Auto? And Nintendo? Really?
No not really. Wont ever happen.

Im only going by rumours coming from pretty reputable sites. Apparently they are talking about a port coming over. In fact Reggie has said hes been in to speak to rockstar, and you dont really go speak to them and not talk about GTA.
I had my doubts, but they've all been relieved. The Wii is truly a great system.

I had some doubts regarding the controller. That it would be hard to use, or annoying, or - worst of all - not fun. But it's none of those things. It's easy to use (often easier to use than a regular controller, and you can now space your arms apart), and the system is very responsive to everything that you do.

The other doubt I had was the variety of games. Right now, I have Wii Sports, Zelda, Trauma Center, Rayman, and Red Steel. I've thoroughly enjoyed each of these games, and play them regularly. So many of them are so different from each other (Trauma Center is unique in and of itself), and they're all amazing in their own right.

All of my friends really enjoy and have fun on it, too, and, even some friends who had never played video games before tried it, and had a ton of fun.

I had some other doubts, but I can't even remember them, as I'm having too much fun with the system. ;) It's a great buy, so go get one...when you can!
Red steels not mature. It's teen, unless they changed it on me.

Edit: I say get a Wii first then sell it till PS3 price goes down, unless you have 600-800 dollars to spend on system/games/controllers.
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300$ is all id spend on a console. it gets expensive enough with games. and Wii is perfect anyways.

Ps3 and Xbox360 are overpriced imo. All your getting is graphics, ill go buy a new pc thx. :p
Thank you for the compliment Lethal.

I seriously doubt Nintendo will be receiving a GTA game on any of its platforms, especially the Wii. GTA 4 has only been announced officially for the Xbox 360 and the PS3 systems.

Rockstar does offer more titles than GTA. Midnight Club is another one of its more popular franchises. As far as we know it could even be a completely new game altogether. However, until an official announcement is made, it's all a bunch of talk to me.

Also, the PS3 has a web browser and offers a similar form of downloading previous Play Station titles via its online store. This capability 1-ups the Wii by then allowing players to download these games onto their PSP’s.

As far as the Wii being more interactive we’ll see. The personally I am as impressed by the Six-Axis PS3 controller as the Wii-mote. I have ran through the demo of a Warhawk for the PS3 and it uses the Six-Axis controller extremely well to pilot the aircraft. It tightly simulates piloting of a real airplane. The Wii games, however, have been having some sensitivity issues (Red Steel and COD3) in my opinion.

Just so everybody here is clear DVD game format is becoming obsolete. This can be shown by the first generation of Xbox 360 games using all 5 gigs (if I remember correctly) of the disk. The newer games being released are going to push that limit even further and begin taking up multiple disks. Blue Dragon, a future 360 game, being developed is currently planned to launch on 4 DVD disks. A Blue-Ray disk alone can hold 50 gigs of info (10 times that of DVD) on a single layer. Dual layer Blue-Ray disks are also going to become common place.

This is quickly becoming a consol war thread. However, from my experience, I quickly grew tired of Wii Sports. I found it to be more of a tech demo (which is what it originally was) and grew bored of it after a few hours. I never touch it now unless a friend(s) comes over. There are other good Wii games, don’t get me wrong. But, Zelda isn’t enough to keep me interested. With games like Gears of War out on the 360 and the final MGS being released on the PS3 the other platforms have much to offer.

In the end it is truly based on the amount of money you are willing to spend and what it is YOU are expecting out of your gaming consol.
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It really really is

My husband and I have grown up playing video games. We have had all the Nintendo systems, Playstation, PS2, and Nintendo DSs. We've tried out the PSP and didn't like it. We were in line for the 360 on launch day. We weren't in line for the Wii on launch because we weren't sure how well the controls would be implemented. We're not interested in the PS3 simply because we don't have hi-def and especially don't see a need for spending that much on a system that provides the same experience as the 360. After seeing the reviews on the Wii, we had to get one. We absolutely love it. In our family we have a total of 3 Wiis and Elebits, Sports, Zelda, Excite, Monkey Ball, and Red Steel. We enjoy all of the games. We especially like the games with the multiplayer. My mom is 55 and has never played a game before. She is kicking butt in bowling. My brother-n-law never touches video games though his 9 yr old daughter loves to play; they have been playing every night. In my opinion, the Wii has simplified gameplay to make it appealing to people who have never touched a system before while still allowing lifetime gamers to have fun with more advanced games. It is totally worth the money spent and the night outside of Target. Get it, especially if you have friends to play with.
And something very important... it gather families together so they can spend some time having fun... it worth every penny. Before i was playing in my room and my wife in her laptop all the time... now we play wii sports all the time (she's kicking my ass in bowling though) :cryin: i need a plan fast so i can beat her :idea:
Lethal said:
My 360 batteries work for like 18hrs each. PS3 is not overpriced at all. The Blu Ray is outstanding and is a top of line player. The PS3 has a better HD internet browser. And if you love FPS you dont get a Wii lol. FPS suck so badly on the Wii. If you love party games or sports then you get the Wii.

I am not the sporting type, and I only play party games at...well...parties. In terms of the PS3 pricing, it is overpriced as a game console, but underpriced as a blu ray player.

You seriously need to reconsider first person shooters on the Wii. I own a copy of Red Steel and it's the best FPS I have ever played in my life. Maybe Halo 2 was good, but I just love how you throw grenades, aim, pick up weapons etc. on the Wii.

As for my Wii batteries, they are on full and I've been playing my Wii for about 3 days now, about 25 hours in total. Believe it or not.