is the wii buggy?

master coder

WiiChat Member
Nov 23, 2006
hello im thinking about buying a wii when the next shippment is comeing but i dont want this to happen
what are the odds of this happening?
I think some of those stories are fake.
Also, as long as you don't make DRAMATIC swings and just take it easy with the Wiimote... everything should be fine. But that's not really a bug... :p
your older than 7, im sure you can grip things, little kids drop stuff all the time, it s really not anything new
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but there saying that the tether snaped and it dident drop it took out a tv i dont want my tv to get owned :nonod:
People are saying that so they think they can get a lawsuit. But Nintendo is ready for it... not to mention the people can't prove that they were actually wearing the strap at the time. Someone could have simply cut the thing after the Wiimote slipped out of their fat, sweaty, gamer claws. Thankfully Nintendo will prevail!
Look don't worry, i take my wii-mote softly and it havent even broke. And im 13.

It brakes because people either has sweaty hands or plays everything too seriously and lose control and goes to hard and then *snap*.
yeah, that is just a fluke. 7 year olds are kinda dumb when it comes to holding things anyway (i have a 6 year old sis)
ronin89 said:
yeah, that is just a fluke. 7 year olds are kinda dumb when it comes to holding things anyway (i have a 6 year old sis)

Wow, i have one too, and shes is very annoying, thank god shes doesnt ask to play the wii, she just watchs, shes annoying when shes wants me to play either Zelda or Rayman XD
this isn't a bug this is just the fact that a 5 cent string can't hold back the force of a fully thrown controller sometimes.

although i have lost mine from my hand plenty and my string remains strong!
master coder said:
hello im thinking about buying a wii when the next shippment is comeing but i dont want this to happen
what are the odds of this happening?

gimme a break, if you're actually considering not buying the Wii because of two complete flukes, then clearly you don't actually want it.
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what makes you think that i dont want it i own almost every nintendo system that was relesed in NA
If you're actually worried about that happening to you, just rig it up with a second string. Although I'm not looking at my Wiimote right now, it shouldn't be that hard to reinforce it yourself.
my niece and nephew like the have the remotes and swing them around so they spin on the string.... maybe that has happened to these people, whether or not it has not happened to me yet, i just yell at them everytime i see them doing it so i dont lett them play when im not in the room haha.... no way they are gonna break my 60 dollar controllers!!
My spastic friend was playing mine and threw a bowling ball as hard as he could and the thing snapped. Luckily I have like 30' tall ceilings so it barely even made it to the ceiling, but he had some force behind that thing.