Is the Wii a good fit for someone with with a disability?


WiiChat Member
Dec 31, 2010
Im trying to find out if the Wii would be a good fit for someone with a disability.
I have only 1 good hand. The other hand I can hold stuff and move my arm around but cant use it for anything like pressing buttons on a tv remote or game controller or movile a joystick around on a controller.
Is there a lot of games that can be played on the Wii with one hand?
If so what are some names so I look at them.

I see that there is a nunchuk & remote. I asume one for each hand correct? All Wii games or only certain ones?

I was watching youtube on 2 people playing boxing with 2 remotes in their hands do you have to press any buttons on the remotes with that game?

Any help will be apreciated thanks.

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As far as I know, the only game I know about that can do that is Bowling on Wii Sports and yeah, generally, the nunchuck goes on the other hand, but with certain preperhials (sorry for spelling) like the Perfect Shot, Wii Zapper that utilizes both the nun-mote combo like a handgun and rifle respectively and the Guitar Hero Guitar that utilizes just the Wiimote for powering it (but like a real guitar, you need both hands for it)

Hope that helps (Also, I have a disability, but mine's is Psychological, I have Asperger's, a form of Autism) :)
you need some good “no nunchuck” games. some wii sports resort needs only one hand other parts require a nunchuk, but still over half that game would still be playable. another that would be fun Dragon Quest Swords is a light rpg swordplay game playable with one hand. look it up:)
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Thanks for the responces.

I have a few more questions. I was looking at Nintendo's website and looking at the remote and they show it using 2 hands.
Is there a lot of games that use the remote that way without the nunchuk?
Is the 1 & 2 buttons the only action buttons used in games? I mean during play (killing, jumping etc.)

Can the remote be held either way? (4 way directional on left or right?

I did use the original NES with one hand by using my index finger for the 4-way and pinky finger for the a & b buttons.

I am wondering if I could do the same with the Wii remote.
Is the spacing betwwen the 4-way and 1 & 2 buttons more or less than the original NES?

Also when using games that require the reomte with the nunchuk what buttons are normally used on the romote?

I am just trying to get ideas on how I could apapt it to work for me.

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To Reply to your questions

1. For when your hold the Wiimote in the horizontal way, it does SORTA like a NES Controller (except for the placement of the START and SELECT buttons as shown:)

NES: = =
Wii (NES Style)
= (+) START
* (Home)
= (-) SELECT

2. To put in some examples of Mario Kart Wii and Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing, The Nunchuk can be used for steering and the Wiimote's A Button for Acceleration, but all games have different configs for the Nunmote Combo/Wiimote, just check each game's manual :)
if you could use the old nes pad the sideways wiimote isn't much different, in fact that opens up a lot of vc and wiiware games that are less about finger speed and more making simple menu choices. final fantasy 1 waits for your input, as an example.

other games i thought of:

wii play
carnival games
wii party

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