Is the News or Web Browser up yet?

Thinking it would be 'nintendo news' only is not very well-thought. Since the weatherchannel doesnt offer 'nintendo weather', but some 3rd party broadcasting it on the Wii. Hence the newschannel will be (probably) broadcast by another 3rd party (CNN, whatever). This is probably done in the same matter as websites broadcast RSS feeds.

Can't Wait
is anyone else finding their weather to be a bit innacurate? for some reason where i am located in NY, it says as of 7AM on that specific day, its like 60-someodd degrees and sunny when infact here in NY it hasnt been above 53 or so and its night time where its about 30 something degrees and not sunny??:wtf:

also, when does the "free trial" expire on the internet server here? and whats the guestimate on price? i assume youre kinda stuck buying with through wii points so you can down load the games on the virtual consul........
The_Loose_Cannon said:
you mean you havent seen it yet!?! dang! search it and vola! quality sucks though, looks like it was done with a camera phone. but who cares, hes dead anyways! :thumbsup:

OMG i'm sorry but your kindah perv! Your amazed that someone have'nt seen it??I have not wathced it won't eighteer.
(sorry about that) But i'm not mad at yah or anything. Just wanned to say this :p

well i hope that it won't be only normal news cause then it's better to go to the internett channell. But nintendo news will be easyer to find there(news channel).
nintendowiigaming.piczo said:
OMG i'm sorry but your kindah perv! Your amazed that someone have'nt seen it??I have not wathced it won't eighteer.
(sorry about that) But i'm not mad at yah or anything. Just wanned to say this :p

well i hope that it won't be only normal news cause then it's better to go to the internett channell. But nintendo news will be easyer to find there(news channel).

haha, perverted-ness has nothing to do with justification and proper death sentencing :thumbsup:

you think thats the worst ive seen? oh boy! ill tell you another day and you can deff be shocked and appauled.....comes with the job!:yikes:

no hard feelings taken :)

i agree with you on the normal news thing....thats why i asked if it was going to be localized? dont know how exactly they will set it up. welp, i guess only time will tell.
im wondering too about when the full version of the internet for wii comes out and how it will be different from the trial.

it would be cool to play online games from sites :D
BlueJawa said:
im wondering too about when the full version of the internet for wii comes out and how it will be different from the trial.

it would be cool to play online games from sites :D

thats what dreams are made of! back to dork status in owning one of these! i miss it hahaha
BlueJawa said:
im wondering too about when the full version of the internet for wii comes out and how it will be different from the trial.

it would be cool to play online games from sites :D

The full version comes out in March and will still be free. After June, it will cost 500 points to download if you don't already have it. Once you have it, it's yours, there's no charge for just using it.