Is My Nintendo Wii Broken?


WiiChat Member
Apr 29, 2012

Just registered so new here, actually I registered here for some technical advice. I've had my wii for about 4 years now and only started having major issues. A few weeks back I downloaded the netflix application which was fine and downloaded no issues, I use wireless internet for this btw but last week, my nintendo wii did a system update and now my wii refuses to connect to my wireless modem. I know its not my internet or modem that is broken because my laptop, PS3 and xbox 360 connect to netflix without issues.

A friend had suggested I transfer all downloaded games onto a SD card and do a full format on the wii to put it back to the factory settings, I did this and now the will will not let me put the games from the SD and applications such as netflix back onto the wii system so I can launch them and still will not connect to the wireless internet when I set it back up again.

I am also getting the error code: 52030

Is it possible my nintendo wii is broken and need a new one and could the system update be the cause of issues. Help would be appreciated.
^ I can guarantee almost all of those views are bots/search engines. Wiichat tends to land pretty high on google 'n such.

Go enter that error code on Ninty's site and see what ya get.

Very rarely, you can get a "faulty" system update which does some real nasty things to your Wii... This might be the case for you. If you can't solve the problem, Nintendo can offer some sort of repair; for a problem they may of caused, I would hope for free.

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