is it worth getting a 360?

I know, I have an extra $150 in my wallet, and almost a grand in my bank account. I'm getting the pro. The core is stupid, and I want to play online on Burnout Paradise anyway.
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asked my dad he said no =/ oh well doesnt matter got all of friends to go to lol but ill forsure get it in the summer
ssbb4life said:
asked my dad he said no =/ oh well doesnt matter got all of friends to go to lol but ill forsure get it in the summer
Did you try what I suggested?
I don't understand parents... Seriously do they not what you to grow up? They need to know that you have to start being able to make your own decisions with your money. Im so glad my parents are/were more fair. They don't give a rats ass what I buy as long as its my money. I bought all 3 consoles and my mom said "another one?" when I bought them but that was the end of it. Now im buying myself a 2nd car and no complaints again.

How old are you btw?
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T3kNi9e said:
I don't understand parents... Seriously do they not what you to grow up? They need to know that you have to start being able to make your own decisions with your money. Im so glad my parents are/were more fair. They don't give a rats ass what I buy as long as its my money. I bought all 3 consoles and my mom said "another one?" when I bought them but that was the end of it. Now im buying myself a 2nd car and no complaints again.

How old are you btw?
lol your my idel:aureola: im only 13.. young iknow lol
Didn't you just ask your dad for a Nintendo DS?
I myself wouldn't get one (again). If I knew that the RROD would get me after 8 months of game play, and that the 360 used up all their games. I advise you to get a PS3 because it's going to get a bunch of great games for it soon. I'm talking about like a matter of months maybe. The 360 has lived it's life span, it was fun on the way down but now it's screwed over kinda.
Used up all their games? Too Human 1, 2, and 3? Mass Effect 2 and 3? Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden 2... No I think not...

As for RROD, yes its gay... but the newer models have a lower failure rate and it still comes with 3 year warranty. I thought about trading my 360 in after getting it repaired for another PS3, but I cannot give up the 360 games and online, they're just too good compared to PS3.
Floydd said:
I myself wouldn't get one (again). If I knew that the RROD would get me after 8 months of game play, and that the 360 used up all their games. I advise you to get a PS3 because it's going to get a bunch of great games for it soon. I'm talking about like a matter of months maybe. The 360 has lived it's life span, it was fun on the way down but now it's screwed over kinda.
As compared to the PS3 with Spore, LittleBigPlanet, and MSG 4...
The rest of it's good games that are coming out are on the 360 ANYWAY. Also, the only other good games it has that aren't on the 360 are Ratchet and Clank, Resistance, and MotorStorm. Meanwhile, the 360 has Gears of War 2, Too Human, blah blah blah... the 360 will live. It's a worthwhile investment.
360, WAY better console then wii, the gaming library is huge and there are very few games that can be called horrible, only downside is paying for live, but even that is a good deal cause its such a great experience.

but beware the ps3, as it has a very promesing gaming line up in the near future
i think you should a ps3 because when your playing your ps3 for hours you be happy knowing its not going to over heat and burn out (if that still happens)
If you get the core you have to get a memory unit to play online: a.k.a. a Hard Drive, which runs up to $100. Oh gee, that means you just wasted $50, which you could have put towards an extra game, only throwing in $10!