Is it true?


WiiChat Member
Nov 27, 2006
New Orleans
Wii Online Code
Is it true that best buy sells the wiis on sundays? Cause I went this past sunday and wasnt able to snag one because I got there a few minutes late. Does anyone have any information about them selling them or any other retailer for that matter. I also live in New Orleans so if anyone knows about any available around there that would be great. Thanks
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I dont have a problem going early to secure a spot, but I dont want to get up at 4 or 5 in the morning for absolutley nothing. I guess I will continue to call them throughout the week and I will get up very early and see if they say they have any in their sunday ad. Hopefully I can snag one then
this might sound wiitarded but when does the sunday ad come out? i mean its pretty pointless to wait for it and not get in line so when you see that there are wii's it will be too late.
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well it comes in the sunday paper which usually arrives very early in the morning on sunday
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usually comes in around 5. I guess I will get up then and if its not there Ill take my chances and go.
JStrobes said:
usually comes in around 5. I guess I will get up then and if its not there Ill take my chances and go.

exactly what i will do... even if i dont get to see it then screw it i will wait in line and hopefully will get a wii. Good luck to you this weekend. I know i'll waiting for sunday morning to arrive. well goodbye and hopefully you'll get your wii.
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good luck to you too. After I make the trip out there, no matter if I get it or not, I have a feeling I will have to go right back to sleep before I play it (assuming I get it).

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