Is it true?


WiiChat Member
Dec 9, 2007
Hello. First I wanted to say i'm very sorry if this is the wrong spot or something i'm new to this forum..

Is it true on January 21st Wiis are going to be held in Best buy and Circuit City and be sold? Me and my mom might get at Best Buy 2 hours before the store opens if it's true. (Does anyone know when it opens?!) I live in Florida, 34470 incase it matters.. And is that enough time? I want to be atleast the 5th person inline or so.. If they have them what other accesories should I be getting? If you had to guess does anyone know how much Best Buy would have in a honest guess? I'm tired of this Wii hunting business!

Also, anyone recommend any games?
I was thinking with starting with Zelda and maybe that cheap 20 dollar Avatar game to get a good feel for the Wii.
ryann said:
Hello. First I wanted to say i'm very sorry if this is the wrong spot or something i'm new to this forum..

Is it true on January 21st Wiis are going to be held in Best buy and Circuit City and be sold? Me and my mom might get at Best Buy 2 hours before the store opens if it's true. (Does anyone know when it opens?!) I live in Florida, 34470 incase it matters.. And is that enough time? I want to be atleast the 5th person inline or so.. If they have them what other accesories should I be getting? If you had to guess does anyone know how much Best Buy would have in a honest guess? I'm tired of this Wii hunting business!

Also, anyone recommend any games?
I was thinking with starting with Zelda and maybe that cheap 20 dollar Avatar game to get a good feel for the Wii.
I don't know about the first half of the post but as for the recommended games half, I suggest any of the "big" titles (Metroid, Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, etc).
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-replies to justaguy- Whew, atleast I didn't get flamed.
I had a bad feeling I would, for some reason.
All of this Wii unavailability really has me scarred. If mine were to break, I don't know what I would do!

I would lose all of my VC games and everything. I wonder if Nintendo will switch your VC information over to your new Wii even if your warranty is expired...

Good luck getting a Wii though man, I'm surprised they are still coming up short.
I dont know really anything about the finding the wii anymore....

but a few games i can recomened said you wanted to get a feel for the wii.
The best game that i have for getting used to the wiis controls is...probably super monkey ball, althought its not the best game, you really get into using the controls, i guess i suggest you RENT that one.
Also geting a racing game always helps.
And remember it comes with wii sports (wich was made for you to get used to controls)
Well heres a list of games you should think about...

Zelda Twilight princess 8/10
Raymon raving rabbids 7/10
Paper Mario 7/10
Mario Party 8 7/10
and look around gamestop, and think about some games
i suggest zelda and mario galaxy.

and maybe 3 hrs before and not 2. maybe even 4. i dunno...tough call.
Is it true on January 21st Wiis are going to be held in Best buy and Circuit City and be sold? Me and my mom might get at Best Buy 2 hours before the store opens if it's true. (Does anyone know when it opens?!)

21st is on a Monday so that doesnt make any senseo_O. Usually stores hold them till Saturdays or any special day (i.e Black Friday). Anyways if its true then I would probably camp at least 6 hours before opening just to be safe. 2 hours probably wouldnt guarantee you a console
ryann said:
Hello. First I wanted to say i'm very sorry if this is the wrong spot or something i'm new to this forum..

Is it true on January 21st Wiis are going to be held in Best buy and Circuit City and be sold? Me and my mom might get at Best Buy 2 hours before the store opens if it's true. (Does anyone know when it opens?!) I live in Florida, 34470 incase it matters.. And is that enough time? I want to be atleast the 5th person inline or so.. If they have them what other accesories should I be getting? If you had to guess does anyone know how much Best Buy would have in a honest guess? I'm tired of this Wii hunting business!

Also, anyone recommend any games?
I was thinking with starting with Zelda and maybe that cheap 20 dollar Avatar game to get a good feel for the Wii.

Hey wait, do you mean December 21st pr January 21st? I think that after the holiday season Wii's will be much more obtainable.
Calling might work. You could also look for their ad that says they'll have wii in stock 12/16, which is where I got the info from, hopefully it's not just a local chicago thing.
Best bet for getting a Wii from a store? Befriend a store clerk. They'll tell you when they get the console in. The rest is up to you being there when it arrives. That's how my friend got his Wii. However if you blindly harass them expect the cold shoulder.
I dont exactly have the time to make a new friend though... I guess I will just have to keep buying the paper. And calling

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