Is it time for a new final boss?


WiiChat Member
Jun 4, 2007
The question is, are we tired of Ganon/Ganondorf as the final boss? Would you like to see a different boss in the next console Zelda? The opinion seems to be pretty mixed, I personally want them to keep Ganon. (Mainly for nostalgia value)
What do you think?
Does he EVER properly die like a normal final supposdely immortal fictional video game character boss? They should make one where he actually does die like a final immortal fictional video game character...
He wasn't an end boss in every game though. But, yeah, they should come up with a new final boss... Like Vaati. Or something like that from The GBA SP one of which I've forgotten the name of...
I would like to see Vaati in another Zelda game, not necessarily final boss, I jus want to see him again.
I was thinking that a different final boss mya be good but it just seems like the final fight with him just keeps getting better and better...especially after it entered into 3-d

I mean look at OoT: That intense tennis match plus fighting a giant? SWEET

WW: u fight a puppet, snake, etc...and then him with his 2 lil dual katanas and zelda flying around shooting arrows...SWEETER!

First u have a tennis match with zelda...then you slay the giant beast ganon again...then you have a battle on horseback...then you have a one on one closed off dual between the 2 of you, its 2 men and 2 swords till the death, it does not get any more INTENSE

maybe the next wont have him because theyre running out of ideas? personally i dont want them to get rid of em becuz every single game he gets better and better...but...addressong the issue of him never dying:

1. the zeldas supposedly take place in seperate worlds and in some random order that isnt confirmed yet

he never has really been KILLED per say...except in TP becuz the sword is finally stabbed through him and he lays there until he goes silent...seems to me like he may have died, they didnt LOCK em into the sacred realm, they didnt LOCK him in the twilight or turn him to seems like he was finished

theres my opinion
He isnt always the boss

Vaati from the minnish cap
skull kid from majoras mask

But it would be nice to see a new boss.
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Deity said:
He isnt always the boss

Vaati from the minnish cap
skull kid from majoras mask

But it would be nice to see a new boss.

I didn't say he was always the final boss, read my post again. Ganondorf is the villain to recur most in the Zelda series.
Vaati or a new female antagonist please. Majora's Mask would be sweet too.

Not that I don't like Ganondorf, he just needs a naptime after having one legendary hero impale him through the face and another impale him through the chest. xD
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