Is It Safe????????


WiiChat Member
Jan 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
Well i was just wondering is it safe to put a gamecube game in the wii how does it know that the gamecube game is in there what if it gets stuck and falls into the machine are there any settings i need to change??????

PLZ HELP (i dont want to brake my WII) :nonod: :nonod:
Of course it is safe DUH, it will read gamecube games just like wii games, just pop it in and click on disk channel. Read the wii manual for more info.
GC disks aint a promblem for the Wii don't worry...doesnt even matter where on the slot the disk goes either.
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o ok ill play on mario sunshine later then thanks a lot!!!!!!!
any good gamecube reccomendations i can pick up for cheap?

i got SSB, Mario Kart, Zelda.
MiLK said:
any good gamecube reccomendations i can pick up for cheap?

i got SSB, Mario Kart, Zelda.

i know you can get tiger woods tour 05 for £5 in game if you live in the UK
Gamecube absolute must have

Super Smash Brothers Melee

It's a whole lot better than any other game for any console system ever or PC.

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