is it possible to transfer VC games?


WiiChat Member
Dec 17, 2006
I just paid money to download VC games but I was wondering if I can log in with my account using different wii and still download it for free since I paid for it already.

xbox live memorizes your account and info so if you paid once before you don't have to pay again. Same goes to PS3 online.

what about wii? if my wii breaks or i get another wii, do i have to pay again?
You can't just randomly play your VC games on a friend's Wii or anything like that, but if your Wii breaks, you will be able to retrieve all your VC games for free.
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My god the Wii owns... said:
You can't just randomly play your VC games on a friend's Wii or anything like that, but if your Wii breaks, you will be able to retrieve all your VC games for free.

But how does it know whether the wii i am using is my new wii or my friend's wii?
nope, there is now way you can tranfer any VC's not even wii points, that would stay with that wii, unless your wii breaks and you send it to nintendo, they will tranfer the vc and maybe the points, not sure
No it's not.
This has been posted countless times.
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can't we just log in and out with different accounts in same wii just like ps3 and xbox360 allows multiple account in 1system?
JoonKimDDS said:
can't we just log in and out with different accounts in same wii just like ps3 and xbox360 allows multiple account in 1system?

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