is it just me whos bored.

RadNad said:
There are a lot of games on the PS3 I want to play, like the upcoming Tomb Raider: UnderWorld, GRAW 2, Skate and games like those. In fact my cousin is going to be a future PSWii Owner as soon as he can find a Wii and when the PS3 turns even more cheaper...

I'm thinking about buying one myself. I really wanna play LittleBigPlanet!
I think I'm getting what ever street fighter 4 comes out on. Little big planet is going to be good too. Yet I wonder how many PS3 owners will actually buy it? I want to see kojima's next game also! So what ever systems has those games thats what i may be buying.

Hey but really forget the war individual gamers will not decide this one. So many people have multiple systems these days! Also each system has it's strengths or reasons why you would like it.

Like I said before lots of people hated the PS and the xbox in the beginning yet now they love them. So who knows how things will end up? It's all about the games. Really to go back to the posters first comment go rent some games and play them for what ever system you have.
Pikachu256 said:
Chill Out With The Tirple Posting!

Just Use The EDIT Button Under Your Post.

Wish I Had Enough Money For A Playstation 3 =[

How can you be folding@home when you don't even have a PS3 then? So are you posing are what?
Pikachu256 said:
Chill Out With The Tirple Posting!

Just Use The EDIT Button Under Your Post.

Wish I Had Enough Money For A Playstation 3 =[

OK, chill out youself!

Let me EXPLAIN something to you. I replied to three different people at three differet times. If I edited my posts so they all three were included in my one post, than the other replies wouldnt be seen or registed in the system.

So get the hell offa my back!
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Pikachu256@ Good one you do realize the PS3 actually burns the most juice when it is folding right! Do a Google search on it. It's true and maybe thats why MS doesn't run it because it could over heat the system.

I skipped like every post in here and ONLY read the posters POST. I can't agree more. I LOVE my WII I waited in line for over 12 hours and got my at Mid nite release last year. Nintendo is ALWASY behind (thats a given). I own all 3 consoles and I just picked my wii back up. I'v been hooked on Xbox Live. I now know tho that nintendo is SLOWLY but SURELY picking up. I'v got some more recent games on wii like COD2, online wise it kicks ass. Also I love the wii mote :) Of course Xbox or Ps3 Is going to have better graphs. BUT wii controlls for Fps and other games are only going to get BETTER. KEEP FAITH in nintendo and soon you will realise as I HAVE... that nintendo will Eventually OWN everyone console know to man and eventually own the world... haha Love you all

god i'm drunk and can't spell whoo haa
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Would you guys agree that wii probably didn't enter the market game orientated but experience orientated, what i mean is they didn't come in focusing on games but sort of worried about the next new way of doing things rather than the games? Do you get what i mean?

Merry Christmas + Happy new Year everybody!
Yep! I get bored of Wii real easily. ATM it really is only a (very) good second console. I use PC for single player and massively multiplayer stuff. And Wii when people come over, or if I'm desperate for a Mario/GH3 fix.

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