internet not working?!?!?


wii man me
Jun 9, 2007
well it was working fine this morning but know it isnt well USB connecter in and flashing finely go on wii options,wii settings,internet,connection settings,connection 1 (nintendo wi-fi usb connecter),use this connection and change settings are blanked out so i go on connection test,loading....................................................then it omes up with no signal on the wii or wi-fi section on the wii or wi-fi section and it comes up with a stupid error code 51340 arhhhhh :mad5: anyone know what's wrong???!!!
i used to get that code when i didnt have all the settings properly set up ...everything has to be basically perfect...well at least for mine it did...with my wireless internet i made sure the ssid broadcast was off, the ssid name was something other than default...change the channel to either 6 or 11...those kind of small things..i also reset my wireless router before the set up as well...u kinda have to mess around with it for a bit to get the settings perfect...thats what i did lol
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it was working fine this morning and i havent changed a this since.....well im trying to know cos its not working
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i set up mario strikers charged online if i delete my settings will i lose all the online data on that
ok this happen to me once..Turn everything off and restart the system and it should work like it did for me dude...

IF this helps Rep me...

if not...well..still do it?
hey no problem...wouldn't wanna c someone with mario strikers charged go without the internet for 2 long :p LOL !!
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thanks everyone for your help but another error code ..... 86070 on mario strikers charged says disconnected from network during data transmission i think ive heard this isnt this the one everones got and causing big problems?!?!
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oh and turning everything off and turning on again the guy who said that battles or something thanks because ive got the internet back

this doesn't concern my wii,but when someone calls on my cordless phone,my wireless internet stops working.a cord phone works but the fact that when someone calls,the internet goes dead.i play runescape a lot and when you're fighting,and you log off,it kills you aunt is a hairstylist with a lot of damn clients and they're ALWAYS brother tyler told me that he'd change the channel on my router,but he didn't and went back to a county that's 2 hours away from my house.he says it's too complicated to say over the phone,and he can't tell someone,please email me at and tell me how to change the channel on my router,it's on the wrong channel so garage doors,cordless phones,and microwaves shut off my computer.please help me.please.:wtf:
Some 5.8GHz phone still use 2.4GHz for one of the 2-way communication that may not solve the probelm. Just FYI.